Big hugs bren!!!!
woop. well got to posh hotel (pics on fb) to find out that there were loads of fans waiting (obviously for me lol) and the boys were staying in the hotel. my friend had to go to the toilet as she nearly wet herself lol. so concert was fab, left early to get back to the hotel cos the boys were there. erm went for kebab, ate kebab in pjs in room then mate made me get dressed again to go down to bar (barefoot i hasten to add but not in pjs as i wanted) go to lift, keith and shane in there, shane barefoot wearing purple nail varnish. Keith said we were dapper ladies omg we played it soooo cool and tracy said nice nail varnish pmsl.
so in the bar and went for fag and chatting to a guy from lighthouse family for ages he was lovley
claim to fame pmsl. and the the saxophonist from the band tried to come back to our room pmsl (i cant remember this mind)
omg woke up bout 9 i feel so so so so so ill!!!! had a bite of toast im afraid with my eggs benedict this morning. but cant me major carbs surely. went to primarni and bought loads too. so home to get unpacked and nice bath cos mr tickle coming over tonight.
what a fab fab night