Never give up
It was fab. I so enjoyed meeting everyone. Have to say next time I might venture out without my entire family in tow, but everyone was so lovely to the children (presents from Cwufts are going down a storm - thank you all for being so sweet and including them). Linzi, hope your little man is puffing away on the pretend fags - my two are worryingly good at it! 
We did a few hours at crufts today, and I'm so sad that I'm actually watching the telly highlights now as well! My children have been 'can we have a dog, can we have a dog, can we have a dog, can we have a dog' for about 12 hours straight now. They're actually fighting over which breed and how many we're getting (the correct answers are of course no breed, and zero dogs) apparently that makes me a mean old mummy.
I feel like I didn't get talking to you all nearly enough. And I abandoned the damson vodka at an unearthly early hour, due to chilli vodka (evil) and spicy dinner (mine, Katie's starter, half of Linzi's dinner and half of Brenda's dinner to be exact - remind me how I got fat in the first place again?) leaving my guts in tatters. Did Vicky and Linzi ever reappear last night?
Anyway, thanks all for a great weekend. Deffo up for it again some time, and Cheryl you HAVE to come next time!
We did a few hours at crufts today, and I'm so sad that I'm actually watching the telly highlights now as well! My children have been 'can we have a dog, can we have a dog, can we have a dog, can we have a dog' for about 12 hours straight now. They're actually fighting over which breed and how many we're getting (the correct answers are of course no breed, and zero dogs) apparently that makes me a mean old mummy.
I feel like I didn't get talking to you all nearly enough. And I abandoned the damson vodka at an unearthly early hour, due to chilli vodka (evil) and spicy dinner (mine, Katie's starter, half of Linzi's dinner and half of Brenda's dinner to be exact - remind me how I got fat in the first place again?) leaving my guts in tatters. Did Vicky and Linzi ever reappear last night?
Anyway, thanks all for a great weekend. Deffo up for it again some time, and Cheryl you HAVE to come next time!