Vic Vodkas dieting rollercoaster - back to it!!!!

ha ha LOL! no seriously that is one of my concerns. I felt so fat and horrid last night and didnt weigh any more just feel so bloomin bloated my tummy like a bowling ball! yes going to start walking and doing more instead of sitting on my arse smoking and drinking wine - ill drink and walk instead pmsl!
well i was drinking before. omg im having doubting moment....
If you stick to what you normally have and not reward yourself like I have you'll be fine.
Remember not to doubt your decision. I had a status the other day saying 'I may be heavier as a non smoker but I'm healthier'. I now have an extra few years added on my life so can take an extra few months to lose what I've gained.
Ok ive always drank loads anyway LOL so nothing different. Will do as i am till after my holidays and then tackle the drinking during the week too :D x
You won't gain Vicky, you are too aware of what you are doing in that area (plus all the exercise lol ;) ) make any rewards non-food and you should be absolutely fine hon xxxx
thanks Bren.
Morning!!! full of snot still feel pants!
Tickle is ill - must be some sort of gastric bug (lets just say im glad ive been ill with a cold not a tummy bug ) he has gone to work but only under strict instructions to open up then go home again!

B - sensato cereal stuff (im constipated from not smoking)
L/S - babybel, jimmys farm sossies
D - really really hot chilli i made with lamb mince low carb wrap and sour cream
ex - did housework this morning
a - well yes

Finishing at 2!!! then getting hair done woop!
Yaye on the finishing early, but sorry to hear Mr T isn't well - hope he rests up over the weekend, not too much Olympic activity for him V LOL.

LOL - im cleaning out his wardrobe (making room for me) so he can lie in bed and watch lol
certainly am. OMG i must have gone back into Ketosis. Ive got cleaning and organising head on! Ive told him to beware! Going to sort out his kitchen cupboards they are just not up to my standard LOL. So excited about moving in. Got estate agents x 2 round on wed to discuss renting x
it is :) cant wait. omg ketosis buzzing :D love it!!!!!!!
ha ha. are you out cos of the hula hoops?