Vic Vodkas dieting rollercoaster - back to it!!!!

Good love, I'm pleased for you both.
And so say all of us :D

ooooo Mr T must have been bad if he had to go to hospital, is he ok now? Exciting re the letting agent, hope that goes well xxxx

Love and hugs as always xxxxxx
Ooh was it A&E or the out of hours doctor?
I came down the stairs on Friday after ringing the emergency doctor and stood all forlorn in the lounge doorway and said to Trev 'I have to go to the hospital' he asked when and I just said 'uhm, right now'. You shoulda seen the panic on his face! He didn't know the out of hours doctor was at the hospital hahaha.
He's been great though, kept asking if there was anything he could do for me (he's never actually seen me really ill before) so I said yes, the gardening :D
Thanks all. Yes Lisa the OOH dr ;) at the hospital LOL.

will someone come and sort my nose/ears out for me please.
now sniffing olbas oil, taking decongestants, antibiotics didnt work, nose inhalers, ear drops and cough medicine to try and unblock them :(
You could always chop your head off, that would work Vicky :)
Jim said:
You could always chop your head off, that would work Vicky :)

Morning girls :)

Where's Cheryl Vicky?
morning all. Sorry ive been busy writing lists of lists. OMG how much stuff do I have to move....STRESS!!!!
Dont know where Cheryl is will text her.

Had biscuits dunked in my tea last night..oops. gone a bit off track at mo!

B - hot cereal
L - beansprouts, pea shoots, lettuce, salmon and guacamole
D - fish (think its sea bass) and salad
S - porkies or celery and pate or babybel
ex - ;)
w - yes lots
a - maybe dunno

I have been quit for 1 Week, 2 Days, 12 hours, 31 minutes and 51 seconds (9 days). I have saved £64.83 by not smoking 190 cigarettes. I have saved 15 hours and 50 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 17/04/2011 22:00
LOL I havent got time. Away all this weekend and next. gonna be busy for the 3 weekends after that cos im away 1st and 2nd weekend June too!
Afternoon ladies. :D

Vicky youre doing fab with the smoking. Keep it up! You know you can lose any gain so I wouldnt worry too much about that side of things right now.
THANKS ALL. Im ok Bren just sick of this bloody blocked ear - i could cry :( gonna ruin my holiday xxx
You still have a few days, have you tried any drops to clear it? My mum and gran used to swear by warm olive oil xx
I remember the warm olive oil thing as well. Might be worth a try Vicky. White vinegar is also supposed to be good.