I'm now officially a fully fledged member of a gym again thanks to pure gym the low cost gym company. The new gym opens in Leicester in the 15th of June and I can't flipping wait!!! Hubby has joined up too, he wants to bulk up again and get his six pack back that he had when I met him

He's still skinny and doesn't need to lose weight he just wants to build muscle and train for joining the RMR, he's also looking into becomming a personal trainer as he's already a qualified outdoor sports coach (would be great for me hehe) Shame we can't go together though as one of us will need to be at home with our daughter unless we can occasionally get a sitter.
I just want it to hurry up and open, the suspence is killing me already lol. My personal challenge will be to actually run on a treadmill, after a few weeks obviously. Previously when I've been a member of other gyms I've always said I'm never running on a treadmill cos of what I'd look like with everything wobbling and tbh I'm a bit scared of falling off the back but I'm going to do it!!! My sis has also joined. I'v never been so excited about joining a gym, must mean something right? Roll on June 15th!!!!
I'm going to dig out my ipod disc and get it downloaded onto this pc and add new music so I can use that, they do loads of classes I want to do too......can you tell I'm excited?
Anyways WI tomorrow, I really hope I've lost at least half lb so I get my 3 stone award (4 stone lost) fingers crossed please peeps.
Hope everyone is keeping well and having good losses