Haven't posted for a while, mainly cos I was too ashamed of myself!

My * weeks have been every other week for the past few months due to my stupid pill which has really messed me up, craving rubbish etc. I hadn't worked out it was down to this until last week, well I wondered why I'd been having so many bad cravings lately which 99% of the time I don't surcome too, but last weekend and the week before it finally beat me and I was awful, giving into cravings left right and centre and it didn't stop the cravings only made it worse. Then I came on first thing weds morning and it hit me as to why I've been wanting rubbish all the time, hense booking a doctors appontment to sort this out and see if I can change my pill to make things settle down.
I didn't go to weigh in on tuesday cos I knew i'd been so bad and would have gained, weighed myself weds morning and it said I'd gained 5.5lbs :cry

although my scales are usually around a lb heavier then my sw scales)
Anyway I've kept my syns low, had lots of superfree and superspeed and also done at least 40 mins exercise a day and lots of sit ups and touch wood my scales say I've only gained 0.5 lbs, I'm still on too so fingers crossed by next weeks WI I will have a loss again.
I'm actually going to a different group to WI a day early and go tomorrow morning cos its hubbys birthday on tuesday (usual WI day) so will see what the damage is from that horrible week. Hopefully I've rectified the situation lol. I really don't know why I do it to myself. I'm just weak.
I think I'm going to start a food diary on the food diary subforum to keep me more focused and try and update that everyday, so if I've not posted on here for a while that will be why. Just give me a shout if you want to see how I'm doing or find my food diary over there. I'll still try and update this periodically.
Just read this back and don't think it makes much sense lol sorry for the waffle!