Oh honey - I feeeeel your pain. By god I do. I dont get more that 4 hours kip straight every night. Thanks to the tearaway toddler, my husband is also a marathon runner in his sleep. I usually find my way to the sofa at about 5am.
The food issue, well thats an oldie for me, the problem I found the first time is I used packs as my safety net, to stop me goreging myself on crunch creams and choux buns. I would still use my packs, eat protein rich food, way after I was BMI 25 or less. In short, I was a naughty girl. I didnt develop a tool box of eating I didnt retrain myself, thats why when I was pregnant, I piled the whole lot back on and more, because I was just eating all the wrong stuff again.
Now, here is the tough part, because the things we love, are usually bad for our metabolic types, so we have to stop eating for pleasure, eating for comfort, eating through tiredness and eating because it's habbit. We have to move to the place that eating is just fuel, and if Egypt is anything like my husbands home country, eating is just so central to social lives of people, and it's insulting if you dont eat that sticky backlava or that kebab or whatever. So this has been my major issue and possibly may be one that you face.
So, I recomend getting some Linda Spangle 100 days of weight loss on the go, honestly it's been my saviour on more than one occasion, I get email updates and I have the book crumpled in my bag, it had 100 days of weight loss insights which are great, but can be referenced back at any time. I especially like the 2 bite rule (as my diary confesses)
Most of all honey, refeeding is an experience where you will feel bloated and often that leads to people jumping back onto the plan. Maybe you can source some local protein powder and mix that into your diet somehow if you cant get the packs, I think you just need to keep the protein coming in.
ttfn xx