I've just bought some apple crumbles, which have good reviews, and I thought could be breakfasty.
I’ve bought the pancakes but not tried them yet. I’m just about to place another order and I’m going to get the maple syrup for those bad boys! Shame there will be no dripping butter but it’s as good as it’s going to get![]()
Just wanted to say "hi"and am here to follow your wonderful progress!
New logistical adjustment: keep diet bar in bag AT ALL TIMES.
YES YES YES!! I definitely do not follow that rule and it ends up biting me in the behind every time! And I should know being tributary to late flights made even later by delay, traffic delays, never-ending meetings and it goes on and on...
And to make matters worse, I always seem to have someone trying to get me to "try something new", "taste this new thing", "have dinner with me"... the NO usually comes out of my mouth before the sentence is finished but end up looking psychotic if I did remember to bring a bar all,g when they find me inhaling it in a corner somewhere![]()
I am definitely looking forward to crumble adventures now.
Being on a VLCD can be super anti-social. Thankfully I'm such a grumpy bugger I haven't, as yet, run into any challenges. Also me and mah lovely wife and our friends are kind of on the nerdy side of the spectrum ... so the biggest challenge for me is when people come round to play board games because, omg, the urge to snack is *extreme*. I put everything off for the first couple of weeks, hoping to settle into the diet, but we have a game coming up Tuesday so I'll see how that goes.
But I'm not a huge fan of people who pressure other people at the best of times - and if someone does try to be a dick to me (in the guise of being nice to me "oh you *should eat*) I remind myself I'm doing this diet *for me*. And I am the one who will get diabetes and die at the age of 43 half in and half out of a pie. So that helps me stick to my guns.
Guilt free snacking for your next Risk marathon. In fact there’s even some good stuff in there (and sod all cals)
You should try some products from a diet called 'Exante'. I heard it's pretty good
Blimey, "horribly obese" is a pretty cruel category. The NHS is getting increasingly direct about this issue, isn't it?