I can and will do this!
Thank youI mean, I probably need to do something to shift my attitude to food when I do get back to eating it - I'm not sure leaving chocolate on the coffee table is a long-term solution, but it'll do for now. I definitely find my attitude to food shifts when I'm on a VLCD, but the problem is it's too easy to snap back, I think (if you're me at least) once you start introducing food again. But I'm determined to do this right this time. Second time lucky and all that.
I'm 5'2 - so apparently my healthy weight is 7-8 stone. I mean, I don't know if I'll get there. Frankly, at this point I'll settle for 12 which is merely overweight instead of horribly obese. But I guess I'll see how things feel when I get down there. Which is a looooooong way away!
You’re the tall one round here then

.....I just about make 5’ 0’ on a good day!!
My ‘ideal’ weight is supposedly under 7 stone........not going to happen, ever!!
I would be pleased at 9 stone, and ecstatic at 8