Vodka is my Saviour.

Holy crap it's hot! I literally have no summer clothes so cycling in a maxi dress will be fun! Iv been to the gym this afternoon, about to head off to see a friend so no idea what im doing for dinner tonight...I don't know if i'm just getting used to it but it suddenly seems very easy...maybe im just getting happier?! x
Glad to see you feeling a bit more up beat:) and yes its hot burnt my back yesterday painting the patio furniture, ouch !!
It's just gone 10oclock and im only just cooking my dinner! Just had tea and diet coke and water today so got a huge pile of fish and veg. Im amazed at how im getting through the days so easily. Yesterday I was so tired I went to bed 300 cals short which was really stupid as I was shattered today so had to have an afternoon nap! Anyway, im rambling. I was talking to my dad about how im finding it hurtful that the ex is putting all of over facebook about the various things he's doing with some girl...SUDDENLY they are friends and SUDDENLY he likes to use facebook. Anyway my dad was like oh well, screw him, find someone else go have some fun! Haha love my dad :p x
Dads always know best, they are very wise you should listen to him xxx The DD do get easier don't they its just getting into a routine really, have a good up day today hun x
Don't get me wrong, im very grateful but it's so weird that by the time I get to having my dinner i cant really be bothered! Im so tired i could very happily go to bed now! Im about to have veg moussaka and veggies though nom nom :)
Been working today, havnt done any exercise though :( hopefully I can get back to uni tomorrow in enough time to go to the gym. Not looking forward to weigh in on monday at all!
I literally just forced that dinner down, didnt enjoy it at all really. I feel like I shouldnt have eaten it but I wanted to get all my calories in so I dont feel worse tomorrow. I don't know whats going on but it's very odd!
Its strange, I absolutely love my food but on a DD I can struggle until about 2pm then I completely go past it, I can be making OH something delish for his tea and not eating won't bother me? I think for me though its because I know its only that day I cant eat, I can have it tomorrow.
Don't struggle to eat and make yourself feel ill on DD s though, as long as you are eating plenty on your UP days there is no lower limit for Downs. The theory works best if you actually fast every other day, however as that is unmanageable for the majority of people there is a low figure set. So` you don't have to force it down if you really can't face it BUT you must eat your UP day calories, not eating enough on you DD will not sabotage your weight loss but not eating enough on your UPs will xx
Thats why I forced was an UP day! Also because im doing 500/1200 I think that even on DD I should aim to get all my calories or my overall average gets far too low. Weigh in tomorrow, TOTM finally arrived so bet ill have a gain EURGH! (sorry TMI!!)
Oooh Hun, you really should be aiming for more on your UP days otherwise your body will think its in 'famine' mode. You probably havent much of an appetite at the moment because of your recent breakup :hug99: I love having you around on Juddd but I am worried about your health if you can't manage any more than that at the moment. Maybe you should try cal counting everyday so that your weekly cals are higher, then when your appetite is back you could do Juddd , you can stick around here with me while you do that ;) But it would be irresponsible of me to suggest you eat so few cals on a diet thats not a proper vlcd one. I am not telling you what to do just trying to help you hun x
Hi floss. Well done on your losses so far and good luck for tomorrow.

Jo is right, you do need to make sure you eat on your up days.

Take care xxx
Welcome back Karenlou! Hope you had a lovely time :)

Jo, I know you are right and I am wrong. I want to make it very clear to anyone reading this that what im doing is NOT right. But to be honest it's all I have right now so please don't kick me out! I had a really really bad day yesterday, very depressed, physical pain and felt like it was the first days after the break up again. It's been nearly 5 weeks now and I feel I should be getting better...all part of the process I suppose. I ended up going to bed at 8.00pm and sleeping horribly, constantly dreaming about him. It feels like it's getting harder and it's very annoying!

On a good note though, I weighed just now and am down 3 pounds...1/2 pound off a stone lost which is just irritating! :p
Oh sweetheart I want you to stick around I am just concerned about you :bighug: Just promise me you will try to eat more on your UP days and I will be happy (even if its a treat or something naughty ;)). I had my heartbroken badly in my early twenties and I remember the pain, but I can promise it will get better, honest.
Brilliant weight loss hun, that must make you feel a little better, have a good day and I am always here if you need me for anything xxx
So when does it get better? Lol I just want to fast forward to christmas! Thankyou so so much though. I promise I will try :)
I can't remember exactly, I know I didn't go to work for over a week and was sad and miserable for a good few weeks but I can't remember how exactly I got over it , I think I spent a lot of time with friends and forcing myself to go out to social situations etc and slowly the pain got less and less. It is hard when you are used to being part of a couple, you will get there I promise but it is a genuine loss and you have to go through the process I am afraid, now if someone could make a pill to make heartbreak pain go away it would be a sell out. You will be happy again hun, I promise and you can hold me to that xxx
Maybe I should invent be a billionaire!;)
I cycled in to london and realised just how close it is! Feeling a little better. Think I'll hit the gym and get a proper workout as mine failed yesterday! Im out tonight for salsa dancing so that should be fun :) just hope I don't drink too much or my DD tomorrow will be horrible! x
I really need some advice. Today I feel like Iv overcome the pain of the past few days, I feel much more balanced but I also feel really hungry! Maybe its temporary, I dont know but im starting to feel like I want to eat more again. Iv already had my 500 today in fruit, im finding im using diet drinks to curb my appetite which I don't like at all. Im starting to think that Id like to change to 1200 goal im in a rhythm Im back on my love of fruit and healthy worry is that I will gain after having such low calories for the past 3 weeks. Also theres a huge risk of binging and i don't want to sabotage what iv achieved already. I dont know what to do! Any thoughts?
Hi Hun, so glad you are feeling a little brighter x Okay what I would do for today is turn it into an intermediate so you don't go overboard, then have a think overnight what you think would suit you best. I don't think you will regain by cal counting everyday as you will still be below the recommended cals per day, so should continue losing. If you do decide to cal count you don't have to leave us , we will still be here for you and you can continue posting so don't worry about that x
Thankyou. I like judd but I think I need stability. Im over my 500 now, I dont want to binge I just want loads of fruit! I want to be healthy but I want to lose so Im going to take it slow I think. Thankyou :) x
You are welcome Hun xx
Hey hon. Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better - your appetite shows that too. Jo is right - have an intermediate day (or two or three) and see how you feel.

Whatever you decide, we will be here to support you x