I imagine a few women that have buttock implants may have incredibly flat bottoms and feel very insecure, so are having buttock implants to feel better about themselves. But are these the women that get the massively inflated backsides that look like they have a barrel shoved up the back of their frock? Unlikely.
Kim Kardashian, Amber Rose et al. Are all about selling sex. Historically large buttocks and big breasts are both generally seen as signs of sexual fertility and to be attractive to the opposite sex. Most women that have butt implants are hoping to increase their sexual attraction - it certainly ain't because they find sitting on large globules of silicon polymer spiritually life enhancing. I personally don't have a problem with it, people can do what they like to their bodies.
We are put on this earth to attract the opposite sex, breed and have lovely little babies. So wanting to be attractive to the opposite sex is natural. My point is, I don't think these overly huge bums looks attractive - I think it looks ridiculous but it's not my bottom, so I am not overly incensed.