You must be much fitter than me!!! X
rosierose15 Silver Member 8 August 2012 #163 I am 9 stone only 22 and don't smoke or drink. How does that work out lol x
FionaMcd Gold Member 8 August 2012 #164 Lol I'm 11stone 5 27 and 20 a day girl. Will be quitting soon though x
FionaMcd Gold Member 8 August 2012 #166 I think you're probably fitter in certain things. For one I cannot spin!! My friend who was 2 half stone heavier happily did the whole 45 min class but I nearly fell off my bike 15 mins in. Yet I can swim for hours she can't x
I think you're probably fitter in certain things. For one I cannot spin!! My friend who was 2 half stone heavier happily did the whole 45 min class but I nearly fell off my bike 15 mins in. Yet I can swim for hours she can't x
FionaMcd Gold Member 8 August 2012 #168 I sat down and just pedalled so slowly I was barely moving all the while trying not to cry x