a loss is a loss, and its your second week isnt it? so after a 16lb loss your body may need to catch up and even if its still 1lb or 2lb tomorrow thats still that off, and yourll be raring to go next week
Week 3 weigh in tomorrow. It's looking like only 3lbs this week from a sneaky peek at the scales this morning. But, we've got Shelly on week one, so hopefully her big first week loss will help us achieve our target lol.
Hi Everyone,
I think this is a great challenge and would of joined but I can only do TS for another 3 weeks then I have to go WS for 4 weeks and then I go on holiday for 5 weeks. I look forward though to catching up on how you all get on when I get back.. Good to see so many of you from different groups joining together.. Good luck to all, it looks real fun..
Week 3 Weigh-in this morning and I HAVE LOST 4LBS!!! So happy
This is the start of my first Add A Meal week so am dreading it a bit and have prepared myself that I might stay the same or even gain a little, but then looking forward to another big loss in Week 5. Fingers crossed I am one of the lucky ones who still loses on add a meal week.
Congrats all that have weighed so far! My week 2 WI is 2lbs down...not as much as I would have liked, but it's a fair loss considering last week. Good luck everyone else!
6lbs just, i weighed in before my morning wee as i thought i needed a number 2 and id lost 5, i went for my morning wee and no number 2 and it was 6 JUST! and well done katt and thats on AAM as well! thats great, congrats Val and cornish just think thats still 9lbs average!