Well done for all the losses. Charlie's Mum, not given you a huge target to beat, 2.5lb down for me (if we're allowed 0.5 of a lb; otherwise say 2). Take care everyone xxx.
Morning all, first weigh in and lost 8lbs! :-D Really happy with that as had a alcohol blip on saturday evening :-( Definitely have the determination to succeed now. Day 8 for me...
Morning all! Scales this morning read 17-11.6lbs (down 0.5lb)
I had some tuna mayo and lettuce last night, actually a lot of lettuce instead of a packet. I didn't feel like I needed it, but I just wanted to feel normal for one evening.
I thought I'd pay for it on the scales this morning, but they were still down
I'm thinking after this week I might got up to WS and see if the losses are the same?
well done everyone for your losses most have weighed in I think so ill update later and cornishkez go for it I don't think they are but each to their own!
Go us!!!!! I know I have lost a little so far - but doubt I will have a huge target to beat. Thank heavens I had a good loss first week! Good luck everyone.
im sorry guys i wont be weighing in this week come off plan last night (just for the one night) and im prob going to have a little gain but im not going to weigh in now untill a week monday dont want to get down in the dunps if i see a gain! but good luck guys and ill be right back next monday xxx
Lol Fi - you won't have much competition from me this week hun, AAM week as you know !! Weigh in tomorrow morning and will update so you know what you have to beat!