Wannabe SkinnyMins

thats fab go u, well done :)

whats ur plans for this week

do u think going to class made a difference
I am so happy! All the hard work really paid off!! Yes going to class definitely made a huge difference! Everytime I was tempted by anything naughty I just thought about weighing in. The weekend was very hard but I did ok! And stayed on track! I am hoping for another good loss next week, 3lbs ideally! I'm going to go to the gym this week again! So hopefully that will help!

I'm just so pleased, I proved to myself that I can do it again! 1/4 of the way there!
Grrr this is the 3rd time i have tried to write this post, the computer keeps deleting it. Maybe it doesnt like what I have to say lol.

Well done Hannah, im really proud of you that is a fantastic loss. Keep up the excellent work.

Sue, you have done really well this week too, really hope you get your 4st tomorrow. Do you have a lovely treat lined up for it?

(this is the point that the computer has been wiping my post). I have had the day from hell. As well as hitting a bollard with my bosses car i had my 6 month review tonight. Not a good way to start it. I was really worried about talking to them as I was telling them that I couldnt look after the boys after school any more ( I only have the boys during holidays and every Tuesday afternoon which I no longer want to do) but they were ok about it and were fine about the car as well.

My stress levels have been through the roof today, been really snappy with the kids and normally I would start shoving chocolate down my throat. But no, I didnt cave, in fact I was so nervous about telling them about the car and our chat tonight that I have hardly eaten a thing today:). Not ideal in normal situations but thats a few more syns for Friday lol.

Keep up the good work ladies, i'm feeeling really positive about this at the moment so hope it rubs off
Well done kerry! Saying no to a 'normal' habit is the start of something great! So well some for denying yourself chocolate urges! I'm glad everything went well with the parents!
well done to both of u

Kerry thats fab about saying no, thats a great achievement just keep prasing yourself for being able to say no :), u will do great

god I hope I get my 4 stone award tonight, I have honestly not went over my syns at all and have been really careful about what am eating and trying to mix things up, I honestly dont know what I will do if I dont lol am getting so demotiavted and annoyed at both myself and sw for not getting there

am going to try speed soup and scan bran for lunch this week again and also try to have fish and veg most evening for dinner, am deff going to keep doing the cardio dvd and I have notice a difference in my work clothes shirts dont feel as tight :)
Sue I am totally sure you will get your 4 stone!! You've done so well! Most people plateau when within a stone away from target! I did!! So please just don't do what I did and get disheartened, as it makes you stray off plan and then you end up gaining the same weight back and having to lose it all over again, which isn't fun!!!!

Today...weetabix for breakfast and I am eating cucumber and tuna with salad cream light (3 syns) at the moment, I also have a banana, apple, cherries and some melon, but none of it has been in the fridge for around 7hours so melon may be horrible!!

Going to go to the gym tonight, and might even go swimming later but thats only a small likely hood of happening.

Going to attempt to eat a yogurt with a plastic fork now :D Kerry how are you doing and Sue what's your menu for today?
Ohh no sue!! Did you speak to your consultant?? Any suggestions from the group?

Do you normally have 'naughty' things on tues night after weigh in?
Ohh no sue!! Did you speak to your consultant?? Any suggestions from the group?

Do you normally have 'naughty' things on tues night after weigh in?

yea spoke to consultant she said its prob just one of those weeks, I gave her my food dairy and she said she coudnt see any problems with it

I had been having a treat every tuesday from I started it was usually a chinese or takeaway of some sort or maybe a frozen pizza

I stopped having the treat about a month ago cause i thought i was getting to close to target and it would help me

my treat last night was salted chilli chicken and mixed veg, with boiled rice and some chips and curry sauce, was yummy

am back on plan today
Breakfast - 1 x weetibix, banana and blueberries
snack -apple and kiwi
lunch - speed soup, yoghurt and orange
snack - apple and orange
dinner - fish, cabbage, turnip, cauliflower, sprouts and broccoli
might have a choc biscuits and cuppa later, I will also be doing 1 hr cardio kick :)

I will get the 4 stone this week, I just have to lol
Hmm...if you stopped doing that (other than last night lol) that couldn't have been the problem. Your food diary looks fine, you're drinking enough water, getting enough fibre...

I'd give it another week on extra easy, then I would try a red week to see if that kick starts you at all?

I have faith! I really think you will get it this week! :D

So how has today gone?

Im on plan, but still have to eat my apple and banana to have stuck to plan lol Had weetabix for brekkie, chicken tikka slices, yogurt, refresher (4), snack-a-jacks (5.5) for lunch... don't know what dinner is.

I am going for a run tonight. I did gym tues eve, short run and circuit training last night for over an hour, and so tonight will try a longer run, then maybe go swimming or gym later on in the evening.

I am super duper focused to get into this bridesmaid dress :D

So how you doing?
hi my day has been good

although girl in work brought in oat cakes, home made, they were the size of the top of a tin maybe bit smaller not really thick, how many syns do u think

I have stuck to it apart from that had speed soup and scan bran, weetibix and fruit, tonight am having fish and veg and doing my cardio workout :)
Sounds good Sue, i'd estimate maybe 5 syns?

I just did 70 lengths at the swimming pool :) dont really like swimming but managed it for over an hour!

Dinner was steak, carrots, broccoli, boiled potatoes. Had a yogurt after too!

What about you kerry?
Hannah thats great go u, thats what I thought to am happy enought with 5 syns

Kerry HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY for tomorrow

have a great day, drink and eat everything in site
I am soooo tired. Thank goodness I now have 2 weeks off work. My week has been stressful, I sometimes wonder why I do the job I do. I cant wait for the boys to go back to school on 24th August they have been a bloody nightmare:mad:. rant over.

I have fallen by the wayside with the food diary this week but things have been good. i have 41 syns left as of 7pm tonight. Not had much that i shouldnt have other than an empire biscuit (counted 10 syns as I have no idea) and toast this morning. I just couldnt make it through the week with no bread, it has been torture:rolleyes:. Today I have had:
B: yogurt fruit 2 x toast with jam (2 hex b & 3 syns) cup of coffee
L: Mac cheese with cheese (hex a & 3 syns)
D: split pea soup (was interesting to say the least, not sure if i will make it again) yogurt grapes
Snacks: empire biscuit (10 syns) coffee

The 2 of you are doing really well this week. I think I have done ok, if anything I would say I havent eaten enough syns. Have decided to weigh myself tomorrow instead of saturday, enjouy my day then back to it on saturday morning. Hope i dont bloww it completely. Hopefully, as a friend said to me, other than some cake and champagne I will automatically make healthy choices. She has faith in me!:p
Good plan kerry! Weigh in tomorrow then forget about it for a day!!

I just had a little bit of skimmed milk and 3 malted milk biscuits (6 syns), so I'm 0.5 over my syns today. But it was delicious and wonderful to only eat 3 and be satisfied rather than the whole lot!

Have a great day tomorrow kerry!!