I dont actually think u are eating that much lol what are the portion sizes like
yesterday wasnt good for me either was shopping all afternoon so didnt have lunch until 5.30 which was speed soup then had dinner bout 7.30 which was 2 x egg, 3 x bacon, mushrooms and tomatoes
yesterday In town I also had a frozen yoghurt it was from like a shop, said it only had 120 cals in it, I had a mixed berry one, I then came home and made short bread of which I had two bits and also lemon and orange cupcakes I had a bite lol I also had 2 x wine gums and 1 x pringle at a party in work lol so am sure i was over syns
Hannah try not to weigh urself, I know i cant say anything cause i do it all the time, but try to break the habit now when u have only started ur journey again u will only drive urself made
I tried to get a dress for my friends wedding on 22nd august, I needed a 12 in mostly everything and if I couldnt get a 12 I would of needed to get the 14 taken in

so that felt pretty good, altough it weird I still look for a 16 first lol
kerry how u?
today my plan is
breakfast - 1 x weetbix, 125ml milk, blueberries, banana, 2 x plum and peppermint tea
lunch - speed soup (have millions in fridge lol), orange and plum
snack - yoghurt and fruit
dinner - fish, turnip, cabbage, broccoli and sprouts