So last night I went to a Slimming World class. I knew it was on and thought i'd pop along, get the books and leave.
Thing is I really enjoyed the class and plan to return next week
I've been struggling with WW for the past few weeks and cannot get back into it. I dont know why cos I know its a fantastic diet and it works wonders for me.
SW has never appealed to me before but I like the idea of 'free' pasta and fruit. It also means I wont substitute something healthy for chocolate ( I was doing that more and more - would rather have a galaxy bar than a fruit salad).
So I will follow SW green from today and see how I get on.
I hope I can still post on here as I'd miss you all too much.
Tho may have a wee wander into SW for some ideas
Man its weird how I feel like such a traitor :sigh:
Hope u r all well and having a good week
I still have the cold:sick::sick:
No dont feel like a traitor! lol. You have to do whats right for you, maybe you need a break from WW. The switch could be the best thing for you.
I'm sure you will do magically on SW, you have done so bloody well on WW so best of luck for it continuing!
Dont abandon us here either! We need someone to keep us in check missy!!