Aww Hun what a nightmare, I'd have been annoyed too!!
Regarding your body though, Youre just having a 'Fat' day that's all!! I would bet anything you don't look Nywhere near as bad as you think, we all have thin and fat days. Trust me, you all say I look nice in my pics but I'm like, what!? I have flab and folds and skin too! My backside is like the BFG's portion of cottage cheese with orange peel for good measure!
Size 16 jeans!! Amaze balls!! You haven't been getting all them fab compliments for nothing Hun

3st is a HUGE loss and it will absolutely show on you, Dont put yourself down
All that stress would make Kate moss feel piggish in a changing room, it all adds to how we see and react to things

You will get an Opposite Day where you will feel slim and fab I bet. You are only 12st remember lol! There is NO WAY you can be big anymore, it's just your perception now
its us that see the little flaws nobody else gets to see too. Others can say what they like about us looking fab, but we will always see hidden parts they don't, and pick at them, doubt the compliments. Think to ourselves 'they think that but they haven't seen me really, if they did they'd think I looked awful too!'. Wrong

The skinniest of people also do that to themselves... Look in the mirror and see a bit of a bingo wing, a bit of leg fat that moves when they're only walking, cellulite, so on so on. You look great, You HAVE lost LOADS of weight, and you are doing bloody brilliant still aswell
Its just been a pig of a day Hun. 11s soon eeek! You are a hell of a lot slimmer than you started out, you just don't realise it yet

You will. Shops don't help at all. They can really bring you down no matter how much you try not to let them. As you know, they are all different sizes which so doesn't help.
Hun, you're not 'the fat one' anymore, no matter what you think. You're not that girl. Your flippin gorgeous and shrinking smaller and smaller with every week, and everybody can see it
Hope you have a thin day soon, and am so sorry your weekend started off so rubbish. I hate plans that go belly up. On the plus side, no school for ages woop!
Youre never alone, we all have these days, all get fed up, frustrated, with everything. Our body, our clothes, the diet, our whole plan... When we're feeling emotional and moody. I was in a right loopy pickle the other day wasnt i haha! But don't worry, it will pass, you will be just fine, and will continue to shrink until you are a tiny little thing struggling to find clothes that arnt too big lol. Now that'll be a whole different wardrobe stress hehe
