Hahaha thats so funny- losing a whole five year old! When you put it like that!! Mega proud of us!! I now weigh the same weight as OH!! I hated being heavier than him! Now he thinks he can pick me up! Lol x
Snap. My fella can eat and eat and still be hungry! My mum used to give me big portions, and I never really grasped what a normal portion is, tiny in comparison to what I used to have! Xx
Thanks Mere- health is most important for me. I was getting so puffed out walking and used to get hot and start sweating due to all the excess fat!
I thought I'd share a very embarassing picture with you all of the size I was when I actually went to the doctors last and a picture from today. I cringe at how hideous I look in the before pic- in denial thinking the dress was slimming!!!!!!!!I mean how many tyres?! No wonder I couldnt keep up with my 8 stone friends- I was literally double the weight! How disgusting ewwww. To think this pic is actually on fb- (friends profile- not tagged!!!) is shameful!
<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=84919"/>