WannabeSkinnyMinnie's Fat to Fab Diary 2013

Oh no!! Can't believe how long you've been on for! Im bad enough after 5 days never mind 2+ WEEKS! Xxx
Hope it ends for you soon! What a nightmare! Xx
Girls its awful....I feel like I'm really keeping tampax in business though! No chance of them going bust anytime soon! :D

It's just annoying now! I have a feeling it's not going to stop until I have my break week on my next set of pill. I only have 1 pill left on my current pack- do I take the last one then have a break and risk having a period from the beginning all over again or go straight onto the next lot and have a break after the 3 weeks?

Its the feeling hungry and cravings which have been hard to contend with!
Could you phone a nurse or doctor for a phone consultation? If not go into your local pharmacy and ask there, they'd be able to give you the best advice? Xxx
Yeah might have to Carrie. I know these type of diets can affect TOTM but its more likely from starting taking it again and a months without one.

Going to have an early night with a hot water bottle :) Paint my nails and reeeeeeelax!
Gosh that is just awful, I can imagine how frustrated you are by now! I'd ring and ask Hun. I have no clue about these pills and what not, They confuse the hell outta me lol. I have the 10 year implant thingy. Ring someone though Hun before you end up pulling your hair out poor thing :( xx

PS well done though on super strength through it all not giving in!! Enjoy your early night :) xx
I would take the next pack straight away. My uncle was professor of gynaecology and obstetrics at one of the big London teaching hospitals (he's retired recently) and he once told me that you dont need to have the break week between packs, it's only so you can make sure you're not pregnant (cos obviously even the pill isnt 100%). It's an artificial period anyway, so you dont need to have it, it's not "unhealthy" as your body isnt naturally preparing the way it does if you're not on the pill.
Haha yeah this weeks easier than last as not so hungry and guess I have got used to it.

I know it's not real hunger too just silly hormones playing with my mind!

Ahh really Jael I didn't know the break was for that reason! Its just whether if I start taking next pack will I keep having a period until I reach the end of that packet or I wonder if it will go by then!

It serves me right really- I was glad to not have TOTM so it wouldn't affect this diet but it's bitten me on the bottom now!! xx
If you dont stop between packs you wont have a "new" period so this one should start to ease off. I certainly hope so, goodness that's nasty. I'm lucky, mine's very light, but it's too light to wear tampons which is annoying too.
Minnie, congrats on the 3lb loss and your half century badge :D
I had one of those weighted dumbells on my amazon wish list for long enough, and never ended up buying it. It was £20, so I am glad I didn't buy it ;)
Years ago, when I used to take the pill, I did run packs together, to avoid a period, if I was working away ect. I know some pills you can do this with. I guess it just depends what pill you are on :). But two weeks :eek: I would deffo be calling for a docs appointment ;)
I've had a look at google on this topic and most seem to suggest breakthrough bleeding is quite normal in the first 2/3 months of a new oral contraceptive. They recommend carrying on as directed by the dr ( a 21 day pill should still have a 7 day break ) as this will bring on the " withdrawal bleed " if after 3 months you still have a breakthrough bleed along with a withdrawal bleed you should discuss with a dr for an alternative. Hope this helps :) xxx
Poor you Minnie I am glad my TOTM is well and truly over. Contacting Doc seems like very good advice.
Mere x
I've had a look at google on this topic and most seem to suggest breakthrough bleeding is quite normal in the first 2/3 months of a new oral contraceptive. They recommend carrying on as directed by the dr ( a 21 day pill should still have a 7 day break ) as this will bring on the " withdrawal bleed " if after 3 months you still have a breakthrough bleed along with a withdrawal bleed you should discuss with a dr for an alternative. Hope this helps :) xxx

Ahhh Carrie, what a star researching it for me :) I don't know why I didn't think of that- I normally google everything! Haha!

But 3 months of breakthrough bleeding AHHHHH! Ha! 2 and half months to go......:p
Because I work in a dispensary I work with the meds and to be honest I thought this might be the case. I remember getting the implanon and I bled constantly for 2 months it was like a tap. I remember having to bleach my sofa and send out one of my colleagues to buy me new knickers and trousers as I had bled through. I felt a gush and ran to the loo and by then I was soaked n I had a trail of blood.... Honestly was sooo frightening. The family planning clinic told me to continue for another month as it would calm down but I told them if they didn't take it out I'd cut it out myself. Drastic but as I worked with the public and had the kids with school runs after school activities I couldn't carry on.... They took it out the next day... Hopefully things will sort itself after the withdrawal bleed if not before xxx
That bleed sounds horrendous Carrie. I used to be very heavy and was twice offered a hysterectomy (don't think that is the correct spelling) anyway mine did not stop until I was 58 and then it just stopped abruptly. Never been so pleased to see the back of anything in my life.
Mere x
Heavy periods is why I got the myrena coil fitted. I was flooding through tampax and towels and changing them every hour, it was horrendous. This was after I had my daughter, before then I didnt have any problems. The coil made them lighter and lighter til about 6 months after I had it fitted they'd stopped altogether. Such a relief.
I was the same as you then I developed an allergy to tampons. What a nightmare :eek:
Mere x
OMG what horror stories! What us ladies to through eh!

I have the 10 year coil thingy, It's not the hormonal one though so you don't gain weight with it. It's the best contraception I have ever had and I wish I'd chosen sooner. It was a case of pop n the bed, slip it in, no pain no problems, off I went! I have a heavier period n day 2 and 3 but it is a dream for me xx
I agree- what horrendous times we ladies have had! We go through so much more than men! Haha!

So not long til WI and I'm not looking forward to this one. I don't feel like it will be a good one. I normally drink 4 litres of water a day but only managing 3- feeling like thats not good enough because I normally push for 4.

Still have 2 full days so we will see what happens. I really want to lose 3lb this week to be 11stone 4 as that gives me a BMI of 29.9- no longer obese!

We shall soon see! xx
That would be lovely Minnie :)
I hope it happens for you :D