Umm hang on what did I miss? I thought you said you slipped up? A tuna jacket!? You are a star aye. If your worst slip up in 4 MONTHS STRAIGHT is a tuna jacket then you should feel very very proud not disappointed! What a star you have been throughout this journey, You really have. So determined, restrained, disciplined and regimented. Your water intake is beyond what I can manage, You are just brilliant Hun.
Well done on overweight BMI!!

I would very much imagine that will deffo be the case come WI Friday and you will be under 11st 4lb. Your 'slip up' isn't worth a pep talk lol it was a great choice compared to bad food Hun well done, I thought you were about to confess to chocolates and pizza or something. You are doing amazing, you've been through the mill this month with the longest period ever and then this horrendous dental issue.. And still... You will not be knocked.
Youve don't nothing wrong and certainly no harm, Do not feel bad, Feel proud!
I am so proud of you, You are diving into those 10s, You will be there in super fast time!!
