Oooh, you got to watch Nadal!! I've just watched him on the News. I think I might aim for this next year. 1 day at Wimbledon, when I'm slim and living my life again.
So, if you weighed yourself, are you pleased or disappointed? I wouldn't beat myself up too much if I were you, eating meat and cheese is not really harmful as long as you keep it to small amounts. You won't go out of ketosis, so you just need to watch you're not taking too many extra calories. I never actually do CD 100% SS. I ALWAYS nibble. A slice of ham here, a bite of cheese there, a chicken drumstick....a small omelette!! That's the only way I can really stick to it. I have to confess, I do change the diet to suit myself. I occasionally substitute a small protein rich, low fat meal for a pack. I try to match the protein,carb,fat, calories of a pack and have a multivitamin tab with it. I'm sure it'll be frowned on in the CD world but it works for me. I even have a habit of having one less pack for two consecutive days, after a day of over indulgence ( too many calories). The only danger is that I'll get tempted to eat more and also eat the wrong things. Yesterday I wasn't hungry until 7pm, and ate nothing till then. I then decided I wanted chicken so i had some. I don't feel guilty cos it works for me. All this rambling is just to let you know that you shouldn't worry about a bit of meat and cheese.
I'm glad I started yesterday because today.......... I got confirmation that I'm NOT PREGNANT!!!!!!!! YAAAYYYYY!!!!!!! it's a little early, but my totm is usually early by 2-3 days. PHEW!!! So, on with my life. Thank goodness that's over!
As for FB, I've happily untagged myself from pics and have warned anyone taking pics to NOT put it on FB, or not tag me.
I HAVE noticed that no one else posts on this thread. This must be the most boring thread on Mins

It doesn't make any difference to me as I'm receiving more support from you alone than I thought I would receive at all. So I'm happy, if it's just us.
Anyway, I've talked a lot today, Hope you were happy with your weight today and that you're getting on well with the water and packs. Have a lovely day xx