Want me for my body, not my mind? Yippeee!! lol!

I'm going to try again. I don't know why I'm such a drama queen. It would be nice to just get on with it and treat the blips as such-blips, not catastrophies. I'm going to stop weighing myself daily though, it can upset me when I don't see a change.
Thanks guys. Did I warn you at the beginning that I was hard work? I need so much kicking up the butt just to get me to keep moving.
I've done this before, I can do it again!
Arghhhh ladies I've had such an awful week which is why I haven't been on here. I had a planned day off for a friend's birthday and have been unable to get back on it!!! I'm starting properly tomorrow. I've got a week off work so I'm going to have a lie in and then drink loads of water until 2ish then have my first shake. If I could just get the first 5 days over with I'll be fine - it's so hard but I just have to keep thinking of the fast results! I'll probably be in here loads tomorrrow keeping the fingers busy and all that lol

Cee we can def do this come on!! Xxxxx
Daily weighing, for most people, is simply not advisable, for many sound reasons. The most relevant reason being that if you don't see the result you like, or you see one you dread, it will derail you, make you feel angry and useless and depressed, and you will almost certainly binge.

Another sound reason is that fluid levels fluctuate from day to day and even from hour to hour so once a week is best. Twice absolute maximum. Don't give yourself a ready-made excuse to cheat...
Hey there you are SW! Good luck with the water today, I am around so will look out for your posts if I can wrestle my iPad from the teenagers!

GG, I think the weighing is a very personal thing and for me if I am avoiding the scales I know it's because I am on an upward spiral!

Cee glad to hear you have decided to stick with it!
Hey hey I'm up and showered and 1 litre of water down wahoo! Planning on having my first shake as late as possible and feeling ok just going to have a black coffee and watch a bit of rubbish tv - something i haven't been able to do for ages! Bliss! How's everyone else today? Xxxxx
Hi also getting the water down, dropped DD at station, done tescos, put shopping away, washing on line, cleared teenage crap out of MY kitchen, nagged DS about getting his washing downstairs!

Had porridge, planning shake for lunch, got a piece of tuna for supper.

Back feels better, can i dare to hope, did tescos without crouching in the aisle!!
So pleased your back is on the mend! I'm loving being off work just watching a really rubbish film with a cuppa, but I'm going to put a load of washing in in a sec so it looks like I've done something productive today lol!

I've decided to give myself small targets too so I'm trying to do 4 days then I'll increase it to 7 when I'm there to keep me on track. I'm hoping to lose 2 stone in 6 weeks - do you think it's possible? Just chugging away at the water again!!! Would kill for a frothy cappuccino with a biscuit! Totally need to switch my brain off - I've never noticed until I did this diet how many food adverts were on tv argh!! Xxxx
was watching Lord of the Rings part1 last night and they talk about food a lot!

am suffering after my break with cravings.

i find obsessive weighing motivating - if it's good it helps and if it's bad it makes me feel i need to keep on it...
I sky+'d superskinny me last night and I'm just watching it now. 2 journalists go from a size 12 to a size 0 in 5 weeks with loads of gym work and hardly any food. I don't want to be that small but I am finding it super motivating! It is a bit alarming though at the same time. I'm planning to be going to the gym from Monday as I should be fully in ketosis by then. Definitely not going to cheat and determined to get this beef off! I want to wear skinny jeans by Xmas xxxx
Hi Cee, how have you got on today? The horrendous day 3 of getting back on the wagon is nearly over and I am feeling fairly positive. Naughty day ahead on Friday though - oops.
Hi, I'm still here. Not back on yet. I want to get back on tomorrow. I ate stuff today just cos I didn't want to throw them away...hm! Anyway, unlike the last few days, I now WANT to get back on track and plan to do so. I'm still not sure about how long I can do it for but I'll keep trying I guess. I have little to say. I feel I should say less and do more. When I've been able to stick to this thing for longer than 5 minutes I'll feel better about talking.
The kids are refusing to go to sleep and crying loudly. The older (4 year old) mainly. She said she's not tired yet, and her "legs are still strong" so she can't go to sleep now!!!:rolleyes: A mountain of ironing awaits me tonight.
Have a lovely night everyone xx
LOL - when my DD was 4, she once bounced on the bed after lights out so much she fell off. When we patched her up and asked why she did it she said 'she couldnt stop her legs from wanting to bounce'.

TBH when she complains she cant sleep I tell her to read a book - she shares a bedroom with her brother so she will just grab a book, sit on the chair on the landing and read for a bit, then put herself to bed. My rule is that she has to be upstairs and 'ready for bed' by 730, and not disturb us or DS once she has gone up. Mostly she reads for 10 mins then goes to sleep. HAs done since she was 3 - certainly before she could read.
That sounds like a good system. Wish my kids could do that, but what happens is, the other one will also get up and demand to read a book too, then they'll start playing 'teacher reading to kiddies' and stay up for the next 2 hours. I guess I just didn't wear them out enough and gave them too much icing on their cupcakes. I've learnt my lesson!
Having an OK day so far. Still struggling with water intake though. Haven't had anything but water so tonight I'll have my packs and an omelette with salad.
I need to get some mix-a-mousse next time. I loved having a banana mousse the first time I did CD. Mmmmm...
As of this am I was 13.9 ish. If I can get to 13. 2 by Tues I'll be very happy. That would be 1 stone off. 7 lbs in 5 days? It can happen, if I just stay with it.
Must. Drink. More. Water!!!
So, ladies!! How're you all doing?
TF&G- glad the back is getting better, hope it stays that way. Keep doing the exercises.
Wifey- all your skirting boards must be gleaming now. Lol!! Getting back on is crazy hard, but you've managed to do it before so you can again. If you don't I'll blame you for my next binge( not ghat I'm planning on having one) :)
Egbert, well done shifting those 4 sneaky lbs. You've got me itching to see that red dress too. I, kinda like you, was going to get a pair of size 12 jeans and hang them up to motivate me. I look at my jeans now and can't really understand how it's possible that my waist is THAT big!
Hiya Sapphire and GG. Nice to have more ladies here with us. :)
MsV??? Gone AWOL again? I might go fish her out from her hiding place! Haha.
Oh, gotta run (at work)
You sound much more upbeat today :)

Just spoke to my kids on the webcam - they are at grannies for a week for the holidays while I work. My 5 yr old DD said hi then went back to her TV, my soon to be 2yr old DS went very silent and looked very worried - I dont think he gets why I am on the webcam and not with him :( Missing them more now :(

They will be back Monday - I may have to make them a big fat chocolate cake!
Ok faced the neglected filing today, five hours of filing done! And my office looks like new.. But my back hurts!!

Done ok so far, two and a half litres of water so far, shake and soup. DS cooking tonight for everyone, pasta. I am having chicken breast.

Well done Cee sounds like you are back!
Hiya Egbert. You going to the wedding today right? Have you decided what dress? How much more have you managed to lose after getting rid of the 4 lb?
I'm OK. TOTM arrived yesterday so I'm a little withdrawn. It always drains me so much that people around think I'm upset or antisocial. I just go quiet. OH working from home today was asking why I'm in a mood. Had to remind him I'm ON! He thought it would be hard for mento stick to CD whilst I'm on TOTM but I'm usually fine. My appetite reduces and I just want to chill out. Its the 2 weeks before it starts that I crave food and sabotage my diet.
Looking forward to the weekend with my lovely family.
Decided I won't weigh myself until my TOTM is over. That way I won't be put off by the water retention weight masking my true loss. I am being good-ish so I should be losing weight.
How's everyone else getting on?
Will it sound like I'm giving up if I say I can't be bothered with CD anymore? I hate what it's doing to my head and I hate even more that it's defeating me. I just feel like a psycho!