Water Intake On Lipotrim!

This is most interesting - I have always drunk between 2.5 to 3 litres of water a day as their is a history of kidney stones in our family, but since starting this I have gone up to around 4 litres a day - got weighed this morning and was told to cut down on my water intake as my blood pressure was getting too low!! Anyone else ever heard of this, as it was new to me!!
I drive stayed between 3-4 litres, but the more I drink the better I feel- less headaches and hunger pangs. Will keep a closer count though!
i do my shakes up to the 400ml line as i find it better - more wattery but at least i,m getting the water intake up :)
I am so glad I read this post as I am drinking four litres of water per day in addition to the water I use for my shakes. Some days I struggle getting it down but recently I have been ok. I think I wll stick to 3 1/2 from now on to be on the safe side xx
Does anyone find it difficult to drink that much? I'm struggling to even have 1pint :(
A really good way to get ur water down it to get a litre bottle with a sports cap, carry it with u n just kip sipping. U can also keep track easily of how much u have had x
I sometimes drink 5 to 7 litres of water. Ive been lightheaded. My pharmacist said so much water could deplete my sodium levels so she advised I drink less.
I am not usre if anyone has already said this but I fill up a 2 litre bottle and just leave it in the fridge so i know what i have to drink each day. Will be aiming to drink 2!
Hi Halimah,
I don't think the water from the shakes count, you need to drink the 2.5litres (think thats the amount) as well as having the shakes
Hi Halimah,
I don't think the water from the shakes count, you need to drink the 2.5litres (think thats the amount) as well as having the shakes

Hi two wheels, I was told i should be drinking about 4lts a day so thats what I have been aiming for. We have had the exact weight loss in the first two weeks so I was wondering how much water you drink each day? Do you also know if you can skip a shake if you dont feel like it?

Hi two wheels, I was told i should be drinking about 4lts a day so thats what I have been aiming for. We have had the exact weight loss in the first two weeks so I was wondering how much water you drink each day? Do you also know if you can skip a shake if you dont feel like it?


2-4 litres is the optimum, everyone varies between these depending on how much they can cope with. Definitely no to missing a shake, as they provide all the essential nutrients, if you miss them your body will struggle to function properly and you may find you gain weight or lose less.
2-4 litres is the optimum, everyone varies between these depending on how much they can cope with. Definitely no to missing a shake, as they provide all the essential nutrients, if you miss them your body will struggle to function properly and you may find you gain weight or lose less.

Oh OK, thanks Nic, I better go and have it them. I know I should have them all but was just trying to get authorisation not to have it. LOL really glad you guys are around, I'd get up to all sorts if you guys weren't around. Thanks again hun
Hi all,
I just measured how much my tea mug holds and its 500mls. I have already had 4 teas today and i usually drink loads of water. This is not unusual for me pre lipotrim. I estimate that i am drinking 6litres or more. Not sure if that is good or bad :confused:
Hi I'm a newbie been on LT since Monday and I drink about 2-2.5 L a day on top of the shakes. I have found so far only one mild headache and that was a day I hadn't drank for about 2 hours while I was running around sorting some stuff - keep sipping seems to be the way to go...
Hi MrsDoyle and :welcome:

Lots of great people on here and lots of support. You may want to join our February challenge thread, where you pledge the amount you're looking to lose this month, and let us know how you're doing. Looking forward to hearing more, but sounds like you've settled into LT really well.

Best wishes

Kay x x x
Hi Kay thanks for welcome yeah would love to join challenge just trying to find my way around the site :)
My bladder is gonna burst!