
I'll be talking to her in a bit if anyone has any messages. I called to see if she was still ok but we all now woofy, she was on the other line.
Say hello from me and tell her I miss her texts x x x ;)
Caz sorry i didnt reply to this message, Woofy called just as i was about to start typing then i lost the thread.
Anyway back to the water..........Ive had 4litres today
Water water water, 3 and a bit litres at work and lots of black coffee, plus redbush tea and decaf coffee and more water at night................. slosh!
Morning all,

I'm on my second mug of green tea.
Just about to have my second coffee and then I shall be on water for the rest of the day. Need my coffee to come conscious lol! :cool:
Litre down. x
I've had a litre and half this morning, plus a tea and black coffee. Plan on drinking at least another 2Ls
ooo a water thread. look at what i missed when i was away :8855:
i generaly drink around 6 pints of water a day and 2 coffee's
ive had nearly 2 litres so far, one cup of tea and one black coffee (which will soon be 2 when my boss comes back with the kettle!)
Got him well trained then Vicky. :)
Deffo Jim :D
3 and half litres down already :D
onto 5th litre now and im not even home yet. Will stop drinking so much bout 7 or I will be up all night!!!!
Better not walk dogs too far either last time I nearly had to run home (TMI I know!)
havent even needed my snack (usually have my cheese or pepperami bout 3 ish)
I try to do at least three litres of water a day plus coffee.

Reckon I'm gonna try to give up the coffee this week though, that together with all the sweeteners I have in it is probably not doing me, or my weight loss, any good at all.

Let the caffeine withdrawls commence!!:eek:
Only managed 2 today. Ive been so tired from night duty. Dont worry i'll get more down me tomorrow. I promise.
Cheryl!!!! You promised! Tut Tut :mad: x x x
had about 5/6 litres yesterday. Had nearly one and half already this morning.