
it had better Linz :)
Ok so im drinking and have purple sticks but how do i get the fariy to give me a whoosh?
just wish for her Cheryl hon x
me too. maybe we will get lucky this week.
would you a) prefer to win 1 million on lottery
or b) lose half a stone in a week
I agree :) Id get a personal trainer a personal chef and lipo from head to toe :D
then id go out and get and new wardrobe and all my atkins friends can come on a cruise :) an atkins cruise with our new svelte bikini bodies :D
I dont think id ever get the surgery. Its the pain after that puts me off. I'll still stick with both though as id love enough just to pay off the mortgage!
Im liking your way of thinking though Vic. Our very own personal trainer and chef.
Id love to pay mortgage off too, buy a new car, redecorate house and get a caravan. and a personal chef and trainer ;)

Our mortgage is paid off, the whole house has been redecorated. Buying a new car is over rated, it's eye watering how much they depreciate in their first 2 years.
I mean a newer car than mine Jim. one big enough to tow my caravan
It depends what car you but though. I have an 08 plate Jeep patriot and it hasnt de-valued at all from what we paid. We brought it when it was 4mths old
2 litres of water and 2 cups of decaf coffee :D
i cant win the lottery as dont do it but if i did win i would defo hire a personal trainer, a chef and a franchise in pizza hut :8855:
A bit of class please............pizza express!
oh yes :)
I would open my own restaurant especially for low carbers and ww and sw people. Menus all pointed and carbed :D