Whew- took a while to catch up with all the posts! This is what happens when i'm out all day!!
work was manic today.....3 1/2 hours at Asda then 6 hours at the off licence and i didn't stop between jobs- walked home, got changed, wolfed down some food and power walked to work. i'm beat!
i heard there were stampedes to Iceland- people buying skewers! haha. don't know how long they're there for- only found out about them on tuesday at group
will quickly reply to some posts then head to bed- need to do dishes and stuff- and in work for 10am
Hey lovelies!!
So was speaking to the lovely Lisa and was explaining to her that I would LOVE to join you guys but as I'm switching between calorie counting and SW at the minute I wasn't sure if anyone would mind?
If anyone does object, just tell me,I won't mind.
If not though I would really love to join up!
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Welcome Addi xxx of course there would be no objections- definitely not from this girl
Yeah thanks PPP!
If anyone else isn't happy though, please do just let me know.
Lost 1.5lbs this morning.
So thrilled with that, really couldn't be happier!
Now at my lowest weight as an adult ever!
And 80lbs lost.
Edging closer too being in the 100's and not too long til century!
Happy this morning.
Also wanting to go to iceland!
Hoisin duck....mmmmmmmmmmm
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The hoisin duck is awesome! definitely worth a go! well done on your loss

your century is just around the corner
So who else is excited to be starting this challenge tomorrow, although we've really all been doing it since WI this week really I suppose. So what has everyone been up to today. And are you all being patriotic unlike me and doing something for the Jubilee celebrations.
I'm excited!!! Can't wait- this will be my last challenge! omg! then it'll just be maintaining! so surreal!
Work and more work today and only plans for the jubilee are work related too! 10-5pm on Monday (might be meeting up with a friend after but not sure- she's so damn scatty!) and 10.30-2pm on Tuesday- then walking around and shopping until weigh in at 5- hope to report a good loss!
Welcome to Katie and Addi
So lovely to see you both here x
I've got the in laws round so am hiding in the bedroom now for a bit of a break!
I'm thinking about setting an actual target with SW. I have put a provisional one on here of 10st 7lbs as that takes me out of overweight on the stupid chart!! So that's just under a stone away. Any opinions welcome
Btw I completely forgot to go to Iceland

Twill have to be next week.
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My way of choosing target- I checked what would be a "healthy weight" and it said 12 stone 10lb, a loss of 9 stone 11lb. I decided to go for the round figure of 10 stone loss since it would put me more firmly in healthy and 10 stone loss sounds better

i might change it when i get there, after a bit of maintaining- but i've always said i wanted to lose 10 stone so thats what im going to do. maybe just set your 10st 7lb as an interim one and see how you feel as you a) get closer or b) get there and work at maintaining. remember though if you set target at 10st 7 and you hit target, the only way of lowering that is to take another half stone off (so get to 10 stone) so really see how you feel about it nearer to the time...you might feel comfy where you are at 10 1/2 stone x
Hi ladies sorry been quiet on 13hr shifts in work so been a little busy . Sat in bed with a bowl full of melon & strawberry trying to catch up on all the posts my ya have all. Even busy bees . Well done every one on ya achievements so far there all brilliant . I've been on plan 110% this week and I'm
Really excited for WI on Tuesday it better be a good one or I'll have proper little sulk . Xxxx keep going ladies ya doing great xxxxx
Ditto T! I've been mega good so really hoping for a good loss! too scared to weigh myself just in case! so might wait til Tuesday and just accept whatever the scales say. but i have been good...i so nervous!! but excited too! xx
ok i am offski! its gonna be 2am before i get to bed and need some decent sleep if i'm doing 6 hours at asda! need a decent brekkie too! overslept this morning so starved through my shift! magic porridge gonna be made before bed! must be prepared! gonna make something for lunch too- might just get some pasta ready and cook it in the morning
ni night missiles