ProPoints Wedding bod here I come

Sucks that the scales weren't working at WI. It's frustrating when you want to know how you've done!

The meeting topic sounded good. Our meeting wasn't on as it was a bank holiday on Monday :(

Let me know if the hairy dieters cookbook is any good! Might get it!

Thank god no-one stole your car!
Book is really good. Just had a biscotti and they are so yum its hard to believe that they are only 1pp whoop whoop
Well what a day I am exhausted

All the girls at the centre were lovely and made ne feel very welcome. The kids were very good and took to me well.
One kid had an accident on me and I had to borrow clothes off one of the staff :(
Anyway that was grand I didn't mind.
I finished at 5 and wanted to go to the gym. It took me an hour to get to the gym when it should of only been 25mins. Feckn traffic was crazy. I missed the first class I wanted to go to but I made it in time for insanity. I earned 7ap yay.
Then couldn't find my keys anywhere looked everywhere and where were they??still in the ignition silly silly me lucky nobody stole the car.
Was delighted when I came home and Graham had the dinner on and had made biscotti from the hairy dieters book. They are 1pp each here is a pic

He also made a 0pp garlic sauce to have with the baby potatoes for dins.
He also took all the clothes and put them away and unloaded the dishwasher.
So all that made my day all better again

I have 7pp left duno what im gona have biscotti anyway lol

OMG those Biscotti look amazing! Did they taste as good as they look? X
Oh my god they are fab they have orange and dark chocolate in them they are gorg they last for 2 weeks aswell which is great
Iv had one so far today they are only 1pp each so they wont do that much damage
Oh my god they are fab they have orange and dark chocolate in them they are gorg they last for 2 weeks aswell which is great

Can u send me some over ;-) Orange n Dark Chocolate, even better! Do u just store them in a Tin? X
Oh my god they are fab they have orange and dark chocolate in them they are gorg they last for 2 weeks aswell which is great

Don't think they would last for 2 weeks in my house!
Yea they are in a container. I don't think they will last here either lol

Went to the gym for fightclub and the instructor decided she wanted it to be an hour class instead of 45mins so I earned 9ap instead of 7ap happy days
At home alone as Graham has gone out. Iv made bns chips 0pp and a 6pp pizza yummy and now im relaxing with the remote all to myself and a glass of captain Morgan and sf fanta orange this is the life
Yea they are in a container. I don't think they will last here either lol

Went to the gym for fightclub and the instructor decided she wanted it to be an hour class instead of 45mins so I earned 9ap instead of 7ap happy days
At home alone as Graham has gone out. Iv made bns chips 0pp and a 6pp pizza yummy and now im relaxing with the remote all to myself and a glass of captain Morgan and sf fanta orange this is the life

Sounds like the perfect evening ;-) Well Done for your Fightclub Class, 9AP! Whoop Whoop! You're gonna smash WI ;-) Did u make your pizza? X
Yea it was horrible at the time but the extra 2ap made it so worth it.
Yea made it with wholemeal flat bread 4pp tomato puree 0pp tuna 1pp feta 1pp
It was yummy
Im watching come dine with me down under I love it
Mmmm - sounds like a good evening. Got me thinking I may make pizza this week. I got a food parcel today! It was from one of the companies included in the coeliac pack and it had two pizza bases included, so it would be rude not to try them out! Is that orange fanta in with the Captain Morgan's? I've never tried that.
It is indeed fanta orange its so yum. I also love captain Morgan with ginger ale and squeeze of a lime its so gorg
It would be rude not to your dead right. DDDOOO IITTTTTT lol!!!
Have used 8 weeklies tonight so I have 41to use up tomorrow
Yes, love it with ginger and lime, but never had it with orange. Used to drink rum and black years ago too. Have you decided what to do with your weeklies?
Yea it was horrible at the time but the extra 2ap made it so worth it.
Yea made it with wholemeal flat bread 4pp tomato puree 0pp tuna 1pp feta 1pp
It was yummy
Im watching come dine with me down under I love it

Mmmmmm Homemade Pizza! I might have to try that instead of using Wraps. Did you enjoy Come Dine with Me? I watched Celeb Masterchef! X

It is indeed fanta orange its so yum. I also love captain Morgan with ginger ale and squeeze of a lime its so gorg
It would be rude not to your dead right. DDDOOO IITTTTTT lol!!!
Have used 8 weeklies tonight so I have 41to use up tomorrow

Ooooooo 41 Weeklies, Whats the Plan?!? X

Saw this and tHought of ye. :D Hehe. :D

Hope You enjoyed your nite in hon. xx
<img src=""/>

Saw this and tHought of ye. :D Hehe. :D

Hope You enjoyed your nite in hon. xx

I love that Brona! X
Haha brona thats brilliant I love it.
I watched come dine with me and then watched a league of their own to see a bit of Freddie and the one direction boys were on jamies team I love those boys it was so funny.
Im gona make a chicken and veg pot pie which is 7pp a portion and a spicy apple pie 5pp both from the hairy dieters book. A bottle of wine will be had aswell
Im gona write out my food for the day and see where I am pp wise and add a few more bits in. I want all those weeklies gone by tonight
Haha brona thats brilliant I love it.
I watched come dine with me and then watched a league of their own to see a bit of Freddie and the one direction boys were on jamies team I love those boys it was so funny.
Im gona make a chicken and veg pot pie which is 7pp a portion and a spicy apple pie 5pp both from the hairy dieters book. A bottle of wine will be had aswell
Im gona write out my food for the day and see where I am pp wise and add a few more bits in. I want all those weeklies gone by tonight

You're the second person to be making that Pie today! I'm making a Pie in the week too :) x I didn't watch League of their own last night, probably catch it on Sky Go. X