(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
boxercise is brilliant its one of my fav classes (its called fightclub in my gym)
Well guys I went to the gym and I loved the mega mix class it was really good. I went a bit mental though and went to an advance kettlebell class aswell so I earned 14ap today which means I clocked up a grand total of 49ap this week.
As always on a Monday night the wi nerves set in. I hope I do well tomorrow cuz I have worked my butt off this week, I even went running when I was hungover although im beginning to think I was still drunk lol. anyway only time will tell I suppose.
I had baked chicken,potaotes,leeks and carrots for dins tonight 12pp it was yum. I have 3pp left so im trying decide on a curly wurly or go ahead slices. mmm decisions
Curly Wurly! For Sure! Check you out with your 49AP, that's like a whole set of Weeklies ;-) Im glad u loved the Mega Mix Class, I have every faith in you for tomorrow and I really think that Tuesday 3rd September is going to be Ciara's Day to Shine! I might even dust my Pom Poms off ;-) x