ProPoints Wedding bod here I come

No just in a saucepan I dont have a slow cooker im very deprived lol
It was gorgeous if I do say so myself
Im having fish with cous cous and Mediterranean veg tonight cant wait

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Mmmm that sounds yummy! If u lived near me you could have my Slow Cooker lol x
Hehehe do you not use it anymore?
Went to aldi on my lynch and bought running gear. Such great value.
I got 2 long bottoms 3 long sleeved tops ,gloves ,2 neck warmers , socks all for only 67euro trilled with them

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Hehehe do you not use it anymore?
Went to aldi on my lynch and bought running gear. Such great value.
I got 2 long bottoms 3 long sleeved tops ,gloves ,2 neck warmers , socks all for only 67euro trilled with them

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It's been pushed further and further back in the cupboard! The only thing which I've used less is a Sandwich Toaster lol! I saw those Running Items on our Weekly Deals too :) Did your Super Six change today too? X
I buy it in aldi. It does be in the freezer section and its free in pp!!!!
Delighted with my running stuff. The quality is really good. Yeq the super 6 changed but I didnt look to see what it was cuz I was in a bit of a hurry!!
Busy day today. Dinner was fab I like dinners like that. Had a curly wurly with a cup of tea and iv 3pp left to use. I cooked pasta for my dinner tomorrow cuz im babysitting straight after work. Im all over this ww this week. Il be gutted if I dont lose on Tues.
My dad came down with a bag of cooking apples. Looked up my recipe books but cant find anything ww friendly. Any suggestions?

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I buy it in aldi. It does be in the freezer section and its free in pp!!!!
Delighted with my running stuff. The quality is really good. Yeq the super 6 changed but I didnt look to see what it was cuz I was in a bit of a hurry!!
Busy day today. Dinner was fab I like dinners like that. Had a curly wurly with a cup of tea and iv 3pp left to use. I cooked pasta for my dinner tomorrow cuz im babysitting straight after work. Im all over this ww this week. Il be gutted if I dont lose on Tues.
My dad came down with a bag of cooking apples. Looked up my recipe books but cant find anything ww friendly. Any suggestions?

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I made Pasta for din dins tomorrow night too, great minds thought alike! Our Super 6 is 59p, think its carrots, leeks, onion, new pots, swede and parsnip? Wonder if yours is the same? Enjoy your final 3pp, more is more and all that!!! X

And something for your Apples maybe...
Love baked apples - core them. If you don't have an apple corer, sort of push/wriggle a sharp knife down four sides of the core - if they are big then do from the top and from the bottom to meet in the middle. Slit the skin round the middle (like the equator!) then bake in medium oven until soft. You can cover them if you need to. You can stuff some dried fruit or mincemeat into the middle/drizzle some honey or syrup over them too. Delicious with yogurt, custard etc.

Or just peel and slice them and cook with some sweetener and cinnamon to have stirred into yogurt.
Apple Popovers sound delicious! Never heard of those! X
I wish I had your exercise motivation - well done on getting the run in! Sounds like you're doing really well with the pp this week, you're busy as hell too! Don't wear yourself out ;)
Oooohhhh loving these ideas thanks so much guys cant wait to test them out.
I enjoy exercise (im a freak I know) yea I have my days where I dnt wana go to the gym and all I wana do id go home and jump into my pjs but I always think its only 45mins r an hr outa my whole day and that makes me go.
Off to find some pjs to wear into work tomorrow as we are having a cheerios breakfast morning to raise money for childline. We have 3 types of cheerios and muffins toast and tea and coffee. Im gona have to be super strong as cheerios are my weekness which is why I dont buy them any more and as for the muffins dont get me started. Fingers crossed il be brave and not go near them at all!!!!pray for me

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Oooohhhh loving these ideas thanks so much guys cant wait to test them out.
I enjoy exercise (im a freak I know) yea I have my days where I dnt wana go to the gym and all I wana do id go home and jump into my pjs but I always think its only 45mins r an hr outa my whole day and that makes me go.
Off to find some pjs to wear into work tomorrow as we are having a cheerios breakfast morning to raise money for childline. We have 3 types of cheerios and muffins toast and tea and coffee. Im gona have to be super strong as cheerios are my weekness which is why I dont buy them any more and as for the muffins dont get me started. Fingers crossed il be brave and not go near them at all!!!!pray for me

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Awwww wearing your PJs to work sounds so much fun, which pair did u decide on? Good Luck on resisting the Muffins and Cheerios, you can do this! X
I went for a navy pair with baby blue coloured stars on the bottoms.
Ooohhh dear getting nervous now but I think il get through it.
Got up this morning and went for a 5k run. Really happy with myself. It was hard getting up when it's so cold out.
Right better go and get my stuff together for work I start at 9.30

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I went for a navy pair with baby blue coloured stars on the bottoms.
Ooohhh dear getting nervous now but I think il get through it.
Got up this morning and went for a 5k run. Really happy with myself. It was hard getting up when it's so cold out.
Right better go and get my stuff together for work I start at 9.30

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Well Done on your run Ciara, have fun in your PJs :) x
Oh working in your PJ sounds like fun. You are so dedicated to ur exercise, I'm struggling to even go on the treadmill let alone outside the door !!!
It was a struggle getting up but I just made myself get up and I felt great when it was done.
Working in pjs is so much fun. I am so pleased with myself. I didn't go near the cheerios or the muffins and on top of it all its one of the kids birthdays today and the parents brought in a double chocolate cake and I refused to eat it yay go me!!!! The kids are having rice crispie buns in the afternoon so hopefully I can resist them aswell

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It was a struggle getting up but I just made myself get up and I felt great when it was done.
Working in pjs is so much fun. I am so pleased with myself. I didn't go near the cheerios or the muffins and on top of it all its one of the kids birthdays today and the parents brought in a double chocolate cake and I refused to eat it yay go me!!!! The kids are having rice crispie buns in the afternoon so hopefully I can resist them aswell

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Check u out (Will)PowerPuff Girl ;-) Maybe u could suggest pjs as a more work friendly uniform for the future? I think it would be far more comforting for the kids to see u in pjs! Oh and I'm sure Health & Safety would approve too! X
Well done on resisting all the yummy snacks, would love to work in my pj's think i would get a few funny looks from the guards here though lol they would have in the one of the cells waiting on a physic exam
Aw sounds like a lovely day. Well done on resisting. Go you. :D
Any nice plans for weekend? x

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Hahaha they would defo lock ya up. Ya wana see the looks I got from the builders that are working on my estate lol
I duno how people can walk around in public in their pjs its just wrong. How did that even about?I often wonder!!!
I have the bathrooms cleaned and all. Just having my breakie of porridge ,cinnamon, banana and milk yummy
Then im going up to the chemist to get a family pic blown up as part of my mams b day present. Shes 60 today!! Then going to the jewelery shop to get our wedding rings engraved. I gave fightclub ay 11.15 and after that its food shopping time. My friend is picking me up at 2 cuz we are going for lunch in her aunts new cafe.its a 40min drive so Iv to be home for 5 as we are going down to my sisters for sandwiches and cake etc for mams birthday. Dunno what il put on for dinner but itl have to be something quick and handy. After a mad busy day I have plans to have a bottle of wine and watch a movie
Anyone doing anything nice today?

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