im recked now though.
sent pics to all the family. gonna go up to my bros with his bday present later.
how do i change the name of my diary? iv been trying to do it for ages and cant figure it out.
heres some pics as promised
<img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/>
Thanks a mill serena. Really like that one as well we had an amazing day.
Thanks for that il do that and see what happens.
Dinners in the oven. We are having roast chicken with baby potatoes roasted with gatlic,rosemary, thyme, mustard and lemon juice over them. Im making veg as well. Cant wait for it. After dinner we are going to watch love hate really looking forward to it its a great show
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I boiled the potatoes first and put them onto a try. I then just got a fork and pushed down on them and then put the topping on. They were lovely and crispy and very yummy
Thanks a million I got the headpiece online I love that kinda style and didnt want a tiara or anything cuz its just not me. I love the headpiece and it didnt cost me much at all
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Yea I just spray a little bit on them. They are devine.
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yea do they are fab
Well was ment to go to the gym today but im so tired and have pains at the back of my eyes an nose so i gave it a miss. waiting for graham to come home from the gym so we can have dins. im making pasta and mackerel with a homemade tomato and lemon sauce yum yum cant wait.
Had a loooonnnng day in work today as i wasnt feeling the may west. im in my pjs and all now. After dins i have 3pp left so im thinking of having an options and a packet of velvet crunch
Hope you all had a better monday than i did
Yep all my weeklies are gone. Nervous about wi tomorrow obviously im gonna be up but I hate the taughts of my leader tellibg me. Sounds silly but true.
Dins was gorg. Change of plan though as when I went to get the pasta outa the press theres was noneso I put on potatoes instead it was still tasty. Today really isn't my day at all. On the bright side potatoes were 2pp less than the pasta. Gonna watch Rachel allen now with my options and il have 4pp left don't feel like eating them all might have a greek yogurt for 2pp and leave ut at that. Going to bed early tonight
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Oh il be surprised alright bt not in a goid way. Im guessing iv gained about 6lb hope its nothing more than that.
Feeling really crappy this morning again. Had a very bad nights sleep last night. Roll on 4.15 when im finished work
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