ProPoints Wedding bod here I come

Heya all hope you Mondays are goin well!!
I'm getting married in fuerteventura in september can't wait I'm living for it now! Only 66 more sleeps lol. I'm 3.5lb away from goal. Everyone says maintaining it is the hardest so I'm not looking forward to that. My wi is tomorrow so il see how I get on. Takn the pill and got totm 8days early and so took my last tab on so my real totm starts today feckn thanks Mother Nature just in time for wi cheers
Yea the lake is gorg they made a lovely walk down at the Avon ri you should do it next time your up!
I know I have to cut my exercise down so this week iv earned 25ap when I'd usually have clocked up 42ap so I'm cutting it down and feel the better of it

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3.5lbs from goal! U must be so excited to reach that and with the wedding just around the corner too :) I think you will do just fine with maintenance, you make really healthy choices and exercise well, maintenance should be a breeze for you. X
Just back from the gym outside having lunch! Earned 8ap!! Did 45mins on my leg program and then 30mins interval training on the treadmill my legs were in fire when I was finished!!
I made the soup with onion garlic, 2 butternut squash and bout 5 carrots and loadz of fresh coriander from the garden and added enough water to cover it (I like my soup thick) and let it simmer for an hr and blend! It's so tasty
We usually make a lot of beer so this is our first go at making wine! We use wine yeast sugar and grape juice and let it ferment for a few weeks in a dark room! We are getting the elderflower just down the road from us by the lake. Loads of them down there!! Good to know that they are at their peak of the season!
Oh god poppy will be hyper later from the party. They are so cute at that age

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Thanks for the wine advice, turns out the flowers had all died off :( May go foraging if I've time :)
I just think i will lose motivation when i have to maintain my weight. Maybe im wrong and am just panicking a bit about it. I suppose only time will tell. Thanks for your kind words about my food choices. I try to be as good as i can most days

r ankle the poor little pet. Then my managers niece was rushed to hopsital as she stopped breathing and shes now in induced intensive care. So worrying for them. Cant imagine how they are feeling. Then a lil boy in my class put a raisin up his nose (dont ask) and had to get it out. I had loads of emails to answer regarding the wedding etc and lots of phone calls etc. So after work i went to the gym to keep my mind occupied but i was unwell while i was in class and had to leave. I duno what came over me i just got really dizzy and had no strenght in my arms. Very strange.

Anyways heres my food for the day

Milk 3pp
Porridge 3pp
Grapes 0pp
tea 0pp


Soup 0pp
salad 3pp
yogurt with fresh pineapple and berries 1pp
Tea 0pp

2 rice cakes with banana on top 2pp

Chicken 2pp
curry 0pp
rice 6pp

i had a cup of tea with a dark choc bar 4pp to get some energy back

so i have 2pp left which i wont use today.

Hope you all had a lovely day
Aw no-u feeling OK now?
Sounds like low blood sugars or low blood pressure. Mind yourself. You'd had a very busy day. x
What an eventful day....the poor little girl, their family must be in bits.....

Dizziness could be a combo if dehydration & stress...your work day sounded tough & wedding planning is stressful even if its exciting at the same time....we only had 15 at ours (inc. us) & that was still a headache!! Hope you feel better tomorrow!
I just think i will lose motivation when i have to maintain my weight. Maybe im wrong and am just panicking a bit about it. I suppose only time will tell. Thanks for your kind words about my food choices. I try to be as good as i can most days

r ankle the poor little pet. Then my managers niece was rushed to hopsital as she stopped breathing and shes now in induced intensive care. So worrying for them. Cant imagine how they are feeling. Then a lil boy in my class put a raisin up his nose (dont ask) and had to get it out. I had loads of emails to answer regarding the wedding etc and lots of phone calls etc. So after work i went to the gym to keep my mind occupied but i was unwell while i was in class and had to leave. I duno what came over me i just got really dizzy and had no strenght in my arms. Very strange.

Anyways heres my food for the day

Milk 3pp
Porridge 3pp
Grapes 0pp
tea 0pp


Soup 0pp
salad 3pp
yogurt with fresh pineapple and berries 1pp
Tea 0pp

2 rice cakes with banana on top 2pp

Chicken 2pp
curry 0pp
rice 6pp

i had a cup of tea with a dark choc bar 4pp to get some energy back

so i have 2pp left which i wont use today.

Hope you all had a lovely day

Found you (eventually... so behind on catching up on stuff atm, but better late than never haha)
I have 3lbs to goal, and I'm worried about maintaining as well.
I feel that I'm going to ruin everything and lose track as well.
Thinking that just because I'm at goal, I can have takeaways and cakes and just whatever I like.
Need to seriously keep an eye on it.

But it's why I'd like to get to 9st7, to have a little leeway so that I can have a little treat once a week/a fortnight/a month - whatever I decide on when I get to goal - gotta get there first.

We can maintain together.

Congrats on the engagement and the upcoming wedding.
I'm sure you'll look fab and we'll all want to see pics in your dress!!

Hope you're feeling better
Yea I'm feeling ok just tired and cold which is strange! My arms felt so strange like I had been lifting something really heavy and they were wobbly horrible feeling but I jst got myself outa the class. I feel really rude now for leaving without saying it to the instructor but I didn't Wana make a scene!

I have been very organised re wedding plans and stuff but I kinda feel I keep forgetting little things like its my friends bday on the same day and I Wana organise something to give to her on the day and I want to buy himself a present etc but it will all come together! Il defo post pics up! I have a dress fitting next fri I can't wait as I havnt tried the dress on since November!!

Yea they got such a fright I hope she is doin better now but il find out in the morning!

Welcome Emma glad ya found me!! When I first joined we I used to say when I get to goal I'm gona have an Indian and I'm gona go out shopping and treat myself to a massive dessert etc but when you get closer to goal your attitude changes and its like ***** I still won't be able to do those things and maintain my weight week in week out!! But anyway since we both only have 3lb left we can motivate each other and keep at it

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Oh btw I seen this today and taught it was a brill way of showing weight loss! Taught I'd share it with ye ImageUploadedByMiniMins.com1373927406.468949.jpg

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Yea I'm feeling ok just tired and cold which is strange! My arms felt so strange like I had been lifting something really heavy and they were wobbly horrible feeling but I jst got myself outa the class. I feel really rude now for leaving without saying it to the instructor but I didn't Wana make a scene!

I have been very organised re wedding plans and stuff but I kinda feel I keep forgetting little things like its my friends bday on the same day and I Wana organise something to give to her on the day and I want to buy himself a present etc but it will all come together! Il defo post pics up! I have a dress fitting next fri I can't wait as I havnt tried the dress on since November!!

Yea they got such a fright I hope she is doin better now but il find out in the morning!

Welcome Emma glad ya found me!! When I first joined we I used to say when I get to goal I'm gona have an Indian and I'm gona go out shopping and treat myself to a massive dessert etc but when you get closer to goal your attitude changes and its like ***** I still won't be able to do those things and maintain my weight week in week out!! But anyway since we both only have 3lb left we can motivate each other and keep at it

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Yep... I've definitely got a getting to goal treat planned.
It's gonna be tough though.

I want to be at goal by thursday - which is my birthday.
So it'll be good that I've made it to goal (if I do), but then I'm worried I'm going to screw it all up with the weekend.

Plans are some homemade birthday cake on Thursday after weigh in, then I'm at work til late, so I'm going out to dinner with my family on Friday night instead of Thursday.
Then my bestie is planning on baking cakes as well, and I said I'd have one.
Planning on going to the pub for drinks either friday or saturday (or both!).
And have promised myself for the last couple of weeks that when I hit goal, I'm going to treat myself to pick & mix.
The pick & mix stand sits right in front of the customer service desk where I work and it's so distracting.

So although I'm planning all this (and not planning on tracking it, but will be on plan with all my other meals and will try and be sensible with my portion sizes), I am worried that I'm going to screw up my weight loss and lose my goal weight the week after achieving it (again, going on the premise of getting to goal on thursday).
But there's not a lot that I can do.
Just gotta keep on track 100% this week, try and get as much off as poss by thursday, have my birthday treats (as birthdays are only a once a year occurrence - unless you're the Queen) and get back on damage limitation sunday!

It's exactly why I'd like the half stone leeway though.
If you can't treat yoursf on ur bday when can ya!! It has to be done and it's your bday and goal celebration so it's a double whammy! As ya say damage limitation on sun and sure you have till the following thurs to undo it. Sure that's plenty of time!
Feel really heavy and bloated from totm today so not as confident about wi tonight anymore :( oh well what can ya do when ya live in a shoe I was 100% this week and couldn't of done anymore so the rest is outa my hands

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If you can't treat yoursf on ur bday when can ya!! It has to be done and it's your bday and goal celebration so it's a double whammy! As ya say damage limitation on sun and sure you have till the following thurs to undo it. Sure that's plenty of time!
Feel really heavy and bloated from totm today so not as confident about wi tonight anymore :( oh well what can ya do when ya live in a shoe I was 100% this week and couldn't of done anymore so the rest is outa my hands

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Yeah, fingers crossed.

Just need to not go too crazy on food portions.
Then get to all my classes at the gym and keep on track for the remaining 4 days.
If I can get a sts, then that'll be a great start to maintaining.
But we'll just see what happens come Thursday.
Ooh... It's getting close now =/

As for your WI today - yeah, there's not much you can do about the totm.
It seems to mainly women that diet, so we're all gonna get it, and as long as you've done what you can, avoid the comfort eating, you'll be at goal in no time and I'm sure you'll get a result you're happy with today.

Good luck.
I just think i will lose motivation when i have to maintain my weight. Maybe im wrong and am just panicking a bit about it. I suppose only time will tell. Thanks for your kind words about my food choices. I try to be as good as i can most days

r ankle the poor little pet. Then my managers niece was rushed to hopsital as she stopped breathing and shes now in induced intensive care. So worrying for them. Cant imagine how they are feeling. Then a lil boy in my class put a raisin up his nose (dont ask) and had to get it out. I had loads of emails to answer regarding the wedding etc and lots of phone calls etc. So after work i went to the gym to keep my mind occupied but i was unwell while i was in class and had to leave. I duno what came over me i just got really dizzy and had no strenght in my arms. Very strange.

Anyways heres my food for the day

Milk 3pp
Porridge 3pp
Grapes 0pp
tea 0pp


Soup 0pp
salad 3pp
yogurt with fresh pineapple and berries 1pp
Tea 0pp

2 rice cakes with banana on top 2pp

Chicken 2pp
curry 0pp
rice 6pp

i had a cup of tea with a dark choc bar 4pp to get some energy back

so i have 2pp left which i wont use today.

Hope you all had a lovely day

Hey Sweetie! Your Monday sounds event packed. Hope your managers niece is ok, what an awful thing to have to go through, how old is she? Was the little boy with the raisin ok? It's great to see that you didn't let it send you into a 'food spiral' goodness me you still had 2pp left! Hope Tuesday is a little less eventful, lots of love. X
Listen-you said it there in a nut shell-you've been 100% so you've done your bit. We can control what our bodies do during TOTM. Fingers crossed tho. :D
Fingers crossed is right!
My bosses niece still isn't right and still needs the machines to support her breathing. God luv her she's only 7 but she has Down's syndrome I can't stop thinkn about her the poor lil pet.
As for the child with the raisin he's grand and I don't think he will be doin it again any time soon lol

In not feeling great today I'm so tired and my legs and all are like jelly! I'm finished work at 4.15 so at least I don't have long left to go

Wi at 6.30 so pray for me gals

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Fingers crossed is right!
My bosses niece still isn't right and still needs the machines to support her breathing. God luv her she's only 7 but she has Down's syndrome I can't stop thinkn about her the poor lil pet.
As for the child with the raisin he's grand and I don't think he will be doin it again any time soon lol

In not feeling great today I'm so tired and my legs and all are like jelly! I'm finished work at 4.15 so at least I don't have long left to go

Wi at 6.30 so pray for me gals

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I'm sending my best positive thoughts, firstly for your bosses niece and secondly for your WI, I'm hoping that you get the result and if you don't, just blame Auntie Flo, she'll have done one by next week and your result will be there! Lots of love.x
Good luck for weigh in! Fingers crossed for you x
She has a punchered lung and phenomia god luv her hope she pulls through it

Well just back from wi and put up 1.5lb in so annoyed I know it's time of the month and all but I can't help but get upset by it I jst Wana go on a mad binge r something! I was within my points every day and only used 13 weeklies. I didn't not count for anything and was 100% all week!

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Just got word there that they are taking her off the machine tomorrow so I think that's a good sign just hope now she can breath on her own and she will get stronger as the days go on

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She has a punchered lung and phenomia god luv her hope she pulls through it

Well just back from wi and put up 1.5lb in so annoyed I know it's time of the month and all but I can't help but get upset by it I jst Wana go on a mad binge r something! I was within my points every day and only used 13 weeklies. I didn't not count for anything and was 100% all week!

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Sorry to hear you put on.
I know it's disappointing when you are on plan all week and don't get the result you were hoping for/deserved.

Next week you'll definitely pull it back though.

A month ago I stayed the same and was devastated because I'd worked damn hard that week (totm was due as well though)
Then the following week I lost 5lbs.
Swings and roundabouts.

I'm hoping I get my roundabout this week after last week's half a pound off swing.
I've been losing 2-2.5lbs a week, so to lose just half a pound when I want to be at 10 stone by this thursday was a little gutting.
But all I can do is continue to keep on it tomorrow and hope when 10am on Thursday comes, I'm where I want to be.