Wedding body in the making!

Glad your feeling better mad...was thinking my man flu was viral!! Lol...I know exactly how you feel on PP days though. It's like you've got to force yourself to eat protein...well done gymming it too...I'm very jealous!!

Wooohooo home after an hour at the gym and did my run! So happy I've done it and to top it off I have the day off tomorrow! PP days are easier at home!
Had scrambled eggs for lunch
Babybel and jelly as a snack
Still not much food and not hungry for tea yet!
Morning! Day off and up this early! Jumped on the scales and they have not moved one bit! May be a STS tomorrow, after all these PP days as well! Won't be doing this again for a while!
Anyway one more PP day!
B yogurt
L whole chicken
D steak

Gym at 8.30 then it's done, quick trip to town then home for a day of tea and box sets!
Happy Friday! Xx
Changed food..
Lunch, pack of prawns and some sausages
Dinner steak with herby dip
So had a very relaxing almost boring day off lol! Not eaten anything bad but have had such a sore tummy sorry! TMI! So going to leave my tea until I feel ok. Have had a lot of strong coffee so might me that!
Did the gym and my run and was fine, weighed myself at the gym and I weigh less there which was nice ( and i was fully clothed) doubt I'll have a loss on my scales tomorrow as I was exactly the same as last week when I weighed today! No idea how or why!! Any ideas!? Not enough food is other halfs opinion!
Plan for tomorrow is to eat parsnip crisps till they come out my ears!
See what the scales say tomorrow....yep eat more protein :) parsnip crisps.... Go go go!!!! X
Lost 1lb! And typically I'm upset only because of the amount of PP days!
Anyway at least there down! And I'm eating veg today!!
Have a lovely weekend all xxx
So food today...
B oatbran if hungry
L butternut squash and broccoli salad
D steak and salad
Snacks parsnip crisps and mug cake later on

Gym later I think I'll feel to guilty if I don't go!
We're out all day tomorrow so I'm going to be sad and take my own lunch!
How is everyone?! Xx
Lost 1lb! And typically I'm upset only because of the amount of PP days!
Anyway at least there down! And I'm eating veg today!!
Have a lovely weekend all xxx

Well a loss is a loss....did you have a big one last week? It's weird this diet....4 pp & loads of excerise you would expect more, then weeks when you do half of that you get a big least you are having a nice veggie weekend :)

Yes your so right! I've had all my biggest losses with no exercise and pork scratchings!! Lol
Arrrrhhhhh I want chocolate! And pizza! Qnd crisps! Why today when I have no plans!!!
I've survived its ok!
Lovely food today...
Breakfast, oatbran porridge and proper coffee!
Lunch, ham salad with butternut squash and roast veg
Dinner, steak with the same salad
Snacks, parsnip crisps, atkins bar.
Pudding mug cake

Lol lots of food for me today!
No gym but plenty of walking
Well done resisting!! :) agreed!! Totally lush food...I love it when I have those days....x
Morning all! Got up early and went and did the gym and my run defo getting easier which is a lovely feeling! We're at a crossfit competition today to watch a friend but they sell all dukan friendly stuff so should be fine if not I'll go buy some meat! Lol
B yogurt
D roast chicken dinner
Happy Sunday xx
So home from our day out lol it was outside all day! I think I have wind burn! Managed to get 2 bags of no sugar beef jerky and just had loads of water so good day, roast chicken in the oven and have it with creamy Brussel sprouts and parsnips! Mmmmm then a cocoa and atkins bar in bed( with my new electric blanket) bliss!
Hope everyone has had a nice weekend xx
Hello all!
Had a lovely weekend, sad it was over! Anyway plan this week is less PP days to keep me on the straight and narrow with lots of running so that I hopefully get to see the 11s by the end of October.

Food today
Lunch chicken dinner and yogurt
Dinner omelette and salad
5k run

Hi all, feel pretty rubbish today, did a comparison pic and i look bloated and like ive gained weight! great! im doing a PP day today and will then weigh myself tomorrow to see if its true!
Lunch: omlette and yogurt
Dinner: Chicken
Will go and do my run as well
I really dont want to fall off but god i am fed up this week! xxx
So I got through the day without caving in and managed my run thank god! Home now and not hungry which was my issue last week! Having some jelly but hardly tea is it! Going to weigh myself tomorrow to see the damage I've defo gained weight I just don't know why! Anyway off to watch my boxset all night! Xx
Good luck with the weigh......just think your not doing as bad as me!! You're so brave doing comparison pics....I would always worry if I lost my phone :0 well done for not caving :)

Morning peeps. Well i weighed and its all ok, ive gone down another 1lb since saturday so i think its all in my head at the moment, ive got a yummy PV day today then 2 PP days and will weigh again on Saturday and scream the house down if i can see an 11!
Soooo food today...
B: Coffee lol
L: egg salad
D: Sausage meatballs and sprouts!
Parsnip crisps while watching the bake off final! eeeekkkk