oooh you two made me laugh this morning - a mean feat at this early hour!!
Try not to stress, Mads. The more you stress... yes the wedding is getting closer but the stress is also increasing of course. Stating the obvious here so please forgive me.
As an outsider looking in (with EXACTLY the same issues as you at the moment), one thing strikes me. Your menus. Are far too "tbc". And we all know what happens when we (ie EATERS) leave things "tbc". If we eat what we fancy at the time, yeah right!
Leave nothing to chance. Plan in advance. Not just meals, but snacks too. Ready to hand. In bag/fridge/office drawer/handbag/whatever it takes... and then, on the way home or wherever you buy your "stash", instead of going into whatever shop/cupboard, have [whatever you've planned]. OK you won't always fancy it, I get that, BUT these bad habits we've got into just need breaking... and each time we manage to resist temptation, we'll be that much stronger the next time temptation raises its ugly head.
Blank piece of paper. Menus. On here. In advance. GO!
(You know me well enough, I hope, not to take offense!!).
I have had bad weekends since Christmas really, but my weight stayed ok ish as I walked lots, but then had a few silly weekdays too and I saw how quickly the URGES increased to stop off on the way home to buy rubbish. Monday night walking home the voices were screaming at me. Encouraging me into this or that place... I don't know how I got home without cracking! I made my planned tea (mushroom omelette with salad on the side), then had an apple, a sharon fruit, a frozen yoghurt, still wanted more, so had a bath and went to bed!!! Tuesday evening, no problem. Ditto last night. (I won't promise my weekend issues won't raise their ugly heads though but where the heck did these evening ones come from?!!)
Please take the above in the way it was intended. Us girls fighting the good fight!! I got married in Sept 2012 at almost a stone heavier than I now am and had a fabulous day!!!

Lovely to "meet" you, by the way. Haven't seen a pic before!!