Wednesday home weigh-in

Ha ha Sylver - I had a similar dilemma with my scales this morning, weighed 10 times which showed losses of between 1lb and 6lbs. Have settled on 3lb loss and the idea that I need some new scales.

It means I'm now in the 13's, I've lost over a stone and I'm chuffed to bits!
2lbs off for me - I'm happy with that!

Leeanne - you're doing soooo well, well done!
Thx krups awwwww where have u been! Thought u had gone :( don't see u on 6 months to sexy no more :( infact it kinda died :(

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current: 14s 5lb
29 week bump :)

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current: 14s 5lb


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Lost a pound!

Makes me only 5lb heavier at 29 weeks than the day I found out :)

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current: 14s 4lb
Ohhhh myyyyyy god!!! :)

Could not feel more on a high!!!!!!

Just weighed myself and at 30 weeks I lost 2lb!!!!!!!!!!

Every day for lunch I had speed soup. That's all I have done. Still ate crap and galaxy choc but made sure I have tried to get some fruit and speed soup!!!!

This means i have gained only 3lb in my whole pregnancy!!!!!!! I know people say ohhh that's worrying why is it? He is measuring 2 weeks ahead so is a big baby his heart beats happily and he is so active and I never starve I eat when hungry and make sure I get some goodness!!!

Dietitian appointment today!!!

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current: 14s 2lb
I lost 1lb this week, which I'm actually really happy with as I had a terribly misbehaved weekend (was away with my bf) but it looks like I got away with it or there'll be a delayed reaction at next week's weigh-in! Did more walking than I've done in at least 12 months (5 hours of shopping centre chaos) so hopefully it will balance out.
Hey Peeps, it was my first weigh wed. and im happy to say I lost 3lbs. Good start, I didnt have the best week, was ill and on steroids, which never do me any favours. But its a definate plus to have lost. Onwards and downwards ( so to speak lol).

Hello ladies!!!

I gained 1lb this week!!

So at 31 weeks and 2 days pregnant that makes me only 4lb heavier since I found out!

My target from the dietition is to gain no more than a stone through the whole of my pregnancy :) so I'm doing ok!!

Raven sorry bout ur morning sickness how many weeks r u now x

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current: 14s 3lb
i've lost 2lbs this week, which I'm a bit amazed by as I had a "bad" week, I even went to Burger King but I guess I compensated by being extra good other days! Hoping that next week I'll be down 2 lbs again as it will mean leaving the 18 stone bracket (forever I hope!)

I gained a pound this week. That makes me only 3lb heavier at 32 weeks pregnant than the day I did a test!

Chuffed with that I must say!

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current: 14s 2lb
After weeks and weeks of slow gains...

33 weeks preg this week and gained 5lb lol

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current: 14s 2lb
Hi guys, I'm a newbie and today was my first weigh-in at home! I lost 4lbs in my first week, which I'm happy about!!!! :D

Leeanne, that's awesome that you have only gained 5lbs so far in your pregnancy! I gained 30lbs during my pregnancy last year, so trying to get that weight off now! LOL!