Wednesday Weighers

Hi all wednesday weighers!
It was my first week on sw and I lost 2 and a half pounds!
Think i would have lost more because wasnt using my syns really! Didn't realise till yesterday that you were ment to use 5 syns a day at least! oops! Is this correct??!!
just come back from my weigh in and im 3 and half pounds lighter hehe. got my half a stone award as well - so pleased :)
sts for me
It was my first week and I'm pleased to say that In lost 2.5lbs :D My consultant asked me how I did it, and I told the class about syn free KFC and so I think we'll have some new faces to the forum soon :)
how do u get the awards on ya profile


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think i sussed it lol
1 off for me tonight!! Pleased as I was away at the weekend and had a massive 3 course meal!! But I'm chuffed that I lost the 1 I put on last week lol!!

1.5 off my stone - this week......
Hi everyone

I lost 1 lb, which I was very pleased about. It was my daughter's birthday at the weekend and I indulged. :D

Good luck for the next week.

3.5lbs off for biggest loss am very pleased :)
Pleased to report 2lb loss this week. It is my * week which I always do better on (go figure) but I am still pleased.

Also getting really excited - this time next week I'll be jetting off for my Caribbean cruise :D :D :D
Well done everyone xxxx
Hi all wednesday weighers!
It was my first week on sw and I lost 2 and a half pounds!
Think i would have lost more because wasnt using my syns really! Didn't realise till yesterday that you were ment to use 5 syns a day at least! oops! Is this correct??!!

Yes that's right, you need to use at least 5 syns per day to keep your metabolism working - enjoy!:D
Lost 1.5lb this week.

lost 7 first week and maintained for 2 weeks was really annoyed as been super good.

keep smiling and carry on!!!

carla x
I did too Carla. Lost 7 week one then stayed the same, but had a loss again this week. As long as it's not going on I'm a happy bunny :)