2lbs off for me!!!! I am amazed - I mean, I have tried hard this week, despite the grazing but I totally did not expect to lose 2lbs...
You could have knocked me over with a feather.
Just the boost I needed. I am back on the Wagon of Determination!
Some great results this week folks. Loving your work. Well done all!
I stayed the same.
I am a tad disappointed as I stuck by EE 100% but I lost four pounds last week, and I know from my past that with such a good loss in the first week, my second is seldom much, if any at all!
I have also been munching at bananas by the dozen and grapes by the pound.
My consultant thinks that I have perhaps overdone these, as although they are free, too much may slow down weight loss.
I hope next week will show some loss!
Yippee, I lost another 1lb which brings it to 18lbs in total. Whenever I think it's only a pound, I remind myself what I have lost in total and then it's much more of an achievement. I can't believe I've lost so much so easily.