Oh and Ally well done (which is what I meant to start with but once I start talking about myself ,I cant stop its all me me me me!I'm feckin Angelica from rugrats. sigh)4lbs is the bomb
Hey ladylipo just the flippin club I wasnt allowed post for one whole day because of my innapropriate lanuage about my friend shirl and her unfortunate accident with her father in laws crotch...go figure
ive got 3 stars on the bottom of my back 2 pink ones for my girls and 1 blue one for the oh,not forgetting the girls names one on each foot and a flower on my right ankle as well as the lily on my shoulder,that was to cover up a dolphin i had done when i was 18 xx
Great idea about the tattoo thread i frickin love it! Woops better watch the language of i could get banned from posting for a day eh fatty lol!
Some one may help me out putting up pics of mine! The one on my side will be finished monday week the day i start refeed another way of celebrating i suppose!