Hi, I'm in week one though I'm easing into it by eating only the food but not sticking to just three packets.
So far I've lost a couple pounds though!
I find most of the meal packets are tasty, but there are a couple that create terrible intestinal gas. The shakes don't really feel filling to me. The bars I ordered were very dry. I got a variety of things with a 100pack so I'm just experimenting this week and not being too hard on myself.
Aside from the gassiness with some of the meals, I do have a dry mouth a lot of the time and sort of a bad taste in my mouth. In addition to the meals, I also take a couple ASDA fizzy tabs with vitamin c/ energy boost.
Tomorrow I'm going to weigh myself, count how many packets are left to see what I ate in a week, and make plans to gear down to the 3 packets a day. Not sure about the rest of you, but I think more fiber is needed. I might add some salad every 3 days or so, as well as an orange here and there. I suppose I could drink powdered fiber in a drink, but something with not many calories and "real" might feel good now and then. Does anyone else modify the plan like this? A bit disconcerting when the food just runs through with so little fiber in it.