First time I was pregnant I was ill from day 1! DH had to take over the cooking and washing the dishes (darn shame!) - things like a bolognese sauce etc would literally turn my stomach as I was cooking it and the cleaning the dishes / the smell - yuck!!
Managed to pile a lot of weight on that time round I can tell you!! Mostly the "morning sickness" was evening sickness for me!
2nd time round and I was not a lot better, didn't actually put much weight on that time round but had to be induced 3wks early as Michael was heading for an 11lb-er and I had problems with my pelvis and was on crutches from about 5months and finally total bed rest!
Managed to breast feed Amy for all of 2weeks but when it got to the stage she was taking strawberry coloured feed because she was a chew-er and I was ill switched her to bottle and she was much much happier ......... Michael, well, took 1 feed, ended up in special care for one reason and another, and then refused to feed from me, DH came in next morning and gave him a bottle and he took it and I didn't look back - nurses tried to convince me to persevere but with everything I had been through and he was taking the bottle said no!
Don't "plan" to lose weight when you are pregnant, it's just not good for you or baby, but eat healthy and sensibly and you will be fine .......... at the end of the day, you have to remember as well that as your baby grows you will naturally put on weight - a 7lb baby + fluid = more than a 7lb weight gain but it's not "actual" weight gain if you know what I mean.