Weekly Weigh In....Anyone?

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Well done Lind... I was just this second looking at your impressive stats n goals that you set yourself and have achieved. I'm glad your back with it.... you're so close to your final target!

Im gonna sit n think of exactly what it is that I want to achieve now too... bet it makes it seem more attainable seeing it in writing hey?
Well done Lind... I was just this second looking at your impressive stats n goals that you set yourself and have achieved. I'm glad your back with it.... you're so close to your final target!

Im gonna sit n think of exactly what it is that I want to achieve now too... bet it makes it seem more attainable seeing it in writing hey?

Yea, I was thinking about doing that too. It must be nice to look at your signature to see all the mini goals you have completed when you are having an off day!

I know.. Im def gonna do it... you watch, it will be done before the night is out!! lol.
lost 4lbs this week and so pleased:D all i can put it down to is being back at work lol. for the hours i'm doing i cant eat there so by the time i get home have all my snacks and 2nd shake to try and fit in:eek:

i'm hoping this will continue and even if i don't lose as much next week its still a step in the right direction x
:happy096: Go sparklewings!!! Well done... I'd love to lose 4lb in one wk!!! I see you're doing really well towards your goal too. Keep up the good work! xxx
Awesome job sparkel. I know you've been struggling a little bit the past few weeks... so awesome awesome awesome!


Have you started exercising yet? Even a little bit ;)

/end of nag.


Awesome job sparkel. I know you've been struggling a little bit the past few weeks... so awesome awesome awesome!


Have you started exercising yet? Even a little bit ;)

/end of nag.



End of nag!! Hee hee that did make me chuckle!! Could you nag me please I need to start doing exercise of some kind!
well...... :busted:i could lie and say yes but am ashamed to say no:eek: i think that as i'm now away from home 3 days a week and when i get back kids are here :family2:and doesn't seem enough time or inclination:copon:

on my days off though there is but one is spent down the pub:eating: and:party0036:and the other days are a blur.

i will do some :character00115:when i'm settled as the youtube one looks very good and v easy and also i read one of your posts about the crunchs that sounds great:clap: i prob need someone to push me:whip: i need your motivation lr so keep on nagging me and i might get there.:asskick:
Lol a whole post done with smilies! I like it!!

Whats this exercise thing you mentioned on youtube Sparkle? I need something to get me going!
I'd love to join a Salsa class or somethiing similar but with3 kids n ma hubby away often its a bit impossible... so its jus me n the tv (or computer screen!) Lol.
Lol a whole post done with smilies! I like it!!

Whats this exercise thing you mentioned on youtube Sparkle? I need something to get me going!
I'd love to join a Salsa class or somethiing similar but with3 kids n ma hubby away often its a bit impossible... so its jus me n the tv (or computer screen!) Lol.

i love smilies! they put me in such a good mood :banana dancer:, they're sooooo cute especially this one lol:17729:, its me to a t!

on one of the threads there was a link to an exercise using one dumbell/weight doing squats. it looked so easy but was supposed to hurt like hell and got great results.

i'm really lazy and thought this would get me going, i did buy a dumbell but its still sitting in the bag lol:copon: i just need to get myself into a routine as have just started back to work after a huge amount of time out looking after my kids to fit it in. hey ho:sigh:

i've got 3 kids as well hun so know how difficult it is especially if your hubby is away alot. so, if you get bored, come on here for a chat/laugh, i keeps me away from the biscuit tin lol!
LMAO!! That is hilarious!!! Wish mine were big enough to do that with!! Lol.

:massmoon: Unfortunately I only wobble this end!!! lol.

Oh I'm def finding this keeps me away from the fridge and cupboards! Thanks hunni thats real sweet I'll prob chat you death tho if I do cant stop once I get started!!
Awww there's no smiley for that!!! That wouldve been really funny! :p
well...... :busted:i could lie and say yes but am ashamed to say no:eek: i think that as i'm now away from home 3 days a week and when i get back kids are here :family2:and doesn't seem enough time or inclination:copon:

on my days off though there is but one is spent down the pub:eating: and:party0036:and the other days are a blur.

i will do some :character00115:when i'm settled as the youtube one looks very good and v easy and also i read one of your posts about the crunchs that sounds great:clap: i prob need someone to push me:whip: i need your motivation lr so keep on nagging me and i might get there.:asskick:

:8855: Sparkel... I know what it is like to have the kids pulling at you and housework or cooking or laundry to do... I really really do. But at some point, you are going to have to decide to put yourself first. This journey is not just for you. Your husband and kids will benefit from it... as well as every other area of your life. So start small. I'm serious! I started with 10 mins. It's such a small amount of time. But it's more than what you've been doing. And you will see changes.

Ayleigh exercises with me. (Last time she did "crunches" with me, she tooted with every crunch.... I was cracking up the whole time :8855: ) Most times, she's starts off with me, gets bored, and goes and pulls out all of her books and "reads" . Tonight.. she decided to put one of her dresses on her hippo. Your kids will make due with mommy being MIA for 10 mins. ;)

I don;t workout with DVD's anymore. I watch one or two times, take the material that I like, and then incorporate it into my routine. That way, Ayleigh can watch her cartoons or listen to music and I can exercise.

I'm up to 25 mins, 3-4 times a week. And we just joined the YMCA in our neighborhood. (Do you guys have this?) It's not essentially cheaper then a gym, but I am paying for both my membership and ayleigh's membership. She now has access to swim, dance and gymnastic lessons.. and other things too when she gets older. Open and family swims.. which we did today.. she had a blast! And I have access to all sorts of exercise machines, and tons of classes... and of course a pool. I love to swim.

I believe your kids are older... if there is a YMCA type of program there... check into that too. Then take the family and go your separate ways. Kids can go take an art class... hubby can do whatever he wants and you can take an exercies class.. do the tredmill.. or take an nice swim.. which is an excellent type of exercise.. even though it feels sooo good! :)

Don't make me come over there woman! 10 mins... 3 times this week. You can do it! :soapbox::party0011: (and anyone else reading this looking for motivation!)

BTW.. I STS.. and I'm not mad about it :)

ok ok woman, i will! i'll start off with the youtube squats :character00115:first though and when feel better about the way i look :sigh:will go swimming as i love that too!

i dunno about ymca here at all, yours sounds fab! i'll have to look into it as theres no way i can afford a gym at the mo. you are an inspiration lr :happy096:and at least with you and ayleigh going your separate ways you won't hear her bottom burps:479::D

i'd love you to come over lr perhaps as my personal trainer he he and then i could find that right man for you!:love: as well as :party0023: :party0016: x
:8855: Sparkel... I know what it is like to have the kids pulling at you and housework or cooking or laundry to do... I really really do. But at some point, you are going to have to decide to put yourself first. This journey is not just for you. Your husband and kids will benefit from it... as well as every other area of your life. So start small. I'm serious! I started with 10 mins. It's such a small amount of time. But it's more than what you've been doing. And you will see changes.

Ayleigh exercises with me. (Last time she did "crunches" with me, she tooted with every crunch.... I was cracking up the whole time :8855: ) Most times, she's starts off with me, gets bored, and goes and pulls out all of her books and "reads" . Tonight.. she decided to put one of her dresses on her hippo. Your kids will make due with mommy being MIA for 10 mins. ;)

I don;t workout with DVD's anymore. I watch one or two times, take the material that I like, and then incorporate it into my routine. That way, Ayleigh can watch her cartoons or listen to music and I can exercise.

I'm up to 25 mins, 3-4 times a week. And we just joined the YMCA in our neighborhood. (Do you guys have this?) It's not essentially cheaper then a gym, but I am paying for both my membership and ayleigh's membership. She now has access to swim, dance and gymnastic lessons.. and other things too when she gets older. Open and family swims.. which we did today.. she had a blast! And I have access to all sorts of exercise machines, and tons of classes... and of course a pool. I love to swim.

I believe your kids are older... if there is a YMCA type of program there... check into that too. Then take the family and go your separate ways. Kids can go take an art class... hubby can do whatever he wants and you can take an exercies class.. do the tredmill.. or take an nice swim.. which is an excellent type of exercise.. even though it feels sooo good! :)

Don't make me come over there woman! 10 mins... 3 times this week. You can do it! :soapbox::party0011: (and anyone else reading this looking for motivation!)

BTW.. I STS.. and I'm not mad about it :)


Oh LR you are such an inspiration!! And you know what, you def got me motivated!
It will be a bit more difficult for me cause my kids are 2yrs, 4yrs and 18wks old but if I do have to keep stopping to sort them out it will still add to the calorie burning cause I'll be running around like a headless chicken!! Lol. I'm going to wait til after my WI 2mo and start Mondy night....

Tee hee Sparkle I cant not smile or giggle when I read your posts!! Think you're def gonna have to start those squats now tho LR means business!!! Lol.
ok ok woman, i will! i'll start off with the youtube squats :character00115:first though and when feel better about the way i look :sigh:will go swimming as i love that too!

i dunno about ymca here at all, yours sounds fab! i'll have to look into it as theres no way i can afford a gym at the mo. you are an inspiration lr :happy096:and at least with you and ayleigh going your separate ways you won't hear her bottom burps:479::D

i'd love you to come over lr perhaps as my personal trainer he he and then i could find that right man for you!:love: as well as :party0023: :party0016: x


Well she's too young to go her separate ways just yet, they do have a little daycare so you can go exercise, she's not ready for that just yet (I'm also waiting for her cousin/my brother's GF to join, so they can play together and not freak out that mommy went to exercise)

ANYWAYS.... I love google. Looked up YMCA's in England and this is what I found. YMCA England : Sport & Fitness : Sport & Fitness Home

Looks like your program is a little different than mine, But its the same principle. Building strong strong hearts, minds and bodies through community outreach. Check it out ;)

And RachyD... lol.. you got a handful there! You know what I do to keep Ayleigh (2 1/2) and Michela (her cousin, almost 4) busy? Bubble wrap! They are in the living room right now popping it. Entertains them for atleast 10 mins ;)

Bubblewrap?!!! Lol.. Ill have to give that a try!!! They'd prob end up fighting over it tho... I know me n my younger brother used to bicker but I dont remember being as bad as my 2 boys!! I'm dreading when the baby's joining in too!!! Lol.
Bubblewrap?!!! Lol.. Ill have to give that a try!!! They'd prob end up fighting over it tho... I know me n my younger brother used to bicker but I dont remember being as bad as my 2 boys!! I'm dreading when the baby's joining in too!!! Lol.

Oh Ayleigh and Michela aren't even sisters and they fight like it! It's horrible! I do have to give them separate things... (Like separate pieces of bubblewrap) or they will fight. Sharing is not high on their list of priorities. I think it's more because Ayleigh never feels like anything is hers because her cousin is always taking her toys... playing with them when she's not home... or even downright stealing them and hiding them in her room. Not to mention she constantly teases and tourtures her. If she were my daughter, she'd get it! :whoopass: Cause Ayleigh does! :8855: I'm hoping it will get better.. but Ayleigh will be 3 in the fall.. and apparently 3's are worse than 2's. :gen147:

Definately do the bubble wrap.. Buy a big ol sheet and let them go to town. It really works. (That and packing tape. These are things I give Ayleigh when she's at work with me so she stays out of my hair!)

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