Weekly weigh-in thread

Well done on the losses everyone x
YES!! nice one Sharon :bliss: :bliss:
I've got to get on with it Jim. 12 weeks today I will be chillaxing on a beach in Barbados :D:D
LOL, Good for you Sharon. :)
Lorna, it's NOT ONLY .5 pounds it's a pack of butter love. Think of it that way.
Cheers Jim,it's a loss in the right direction,so I am happy with that.
It's just after so many years of struggling with my weight,I still can't believe this is working ,I know it's the wrong mindset but in the back of my mind I still feel doubtful about this keeping on working.
Thanks for the support,
lorna x
I know Lorna, after years and years of being preached about fat it is hard to get your head around it I know love.
Half a pound is better off than on - and what other diet can you eat like this on and still lose - it still does not feel like a diet to me!
Bren xx
I know just what you mean Lorna. I still have this niggling feeling that I need to count calories, although I would probably pass out if I did lol.

I'm getting more confident now, cooking with coconut oil & butter, grating cheese into my scrambled eggs & generally eating everything cooked in a way I always believed was 'wrong'.

Someone asked me today about the calories (she loves her bread & cereals) & I answered as confidently as possible "I don't worry about it as long as I'm losing weight!"

I even had a knob of butter on my freshly picked runner beans at lunch :D:D
Morning folks, weighed in this morning to a fabulous loss of 5.8 lbs!!!

Over the moon, even on induction i was losing around 2lbs tops, now going to have to think what I've been eating this week compared to others to see if there's something (slightly) stalling

What a great problem to have!!!