Weekly weigh-in thread

This site needs health warnings - prancing naked men, indeed :eek: :D I was having my lunch when I read that lol.

A grand one pound off for me this week - think cream and wine are stalling things :(

one lb is fab susie! well done! it is prob the wine. im going to stick to vodka or gin this weekend. :D
im well thankyou :D i could have done with sleep in - my alarm woke me up and i thought i was in spain :(
yes i love a bit of mothers ruin.
Spain - now that would be nice!

I had a mad dream - my parents (only they weren't my parents) ran a truffle farm with pigs and (wait for it) crocodiles. A young Margaret Thatcher came to visit and we were in a boat ferrying her round all these canals with crocs in them and we were all trying not to fall in...wtf was that about?! :)
lmfao! i love you - your dreams are as bad as mine.
i was walking across this grass area in spain trying to jump over the wasps it was awful they were following me. im going to dream google now ;) (ive had the crocodile one before not with maggie thatcher though.

To see a crocodile in your dream, symbolizes freedom, hidden strength and power. It also forewarns of hidden danger. Someone near you is giving you bad advice and is trying to sway you into poor decisions. Because crocodiles can live in water and on land, they also represent your conscious and unconscious and the emotional and rational. Perhaps something is coming to the surface and you are on the verge of some new awareness.
Alternatively, the crocodile may be an aspect of yourself and your aggressive and "snappy" attitude. Or it may reveal that are being insincere, displaying false emotions and shedding "crocodile tears".
To dream that you are chased or bitten by a crocodile, denotes disappointments in love and in business.

To see a wasp in you dream, signifies evil, anger and negative feelings. Alternatively, the wasp represents someone who is a WASP or White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. Perhaps you are dealing with some aspects of society or politics.
To dream that you are stung by a wasp, indicates that there is some hatred directed toward you. It also refers to envy.
To dream that you kill a wasp, signifies your fearlessness in fighting off your opponents, while maintaining your ethics and rights.
LMAO I love those descriptions - I'll go for the positive definition - freedom and power for me, thanks :)

So, if you're jumping over the wasps, that means you're avoiding someone else's negative feelings and envy.

See, I can twist it any way I like :D
I don't dream really, well I suppose I must but I never recall them in the morning.

Well done on the 1lb Susie, any loss is good love.
1lb is fine Susie - and at least you have a good idea why it might not be as much as you would like, and are willing to forgo said items :D dedication I call it :D
Thx hun - that, and red wine - I've just looked it up on my carb counter and a bottle of Cab Sav is over 30g of carbs :eek: Blimey O'Reilly!

For some reason I thought there wasn't any carbs in wine. I am a silly girl :break_diet:
I didn't think there was that much in a bottle myself - although I do try and stick to dry white as that is supposed to be less, she says with fingers crossed lol
Uh oh - sorry about this but white wine ranges from 2.6g-3.2g per 100!

I just did some measuring and my wine glasses take just under 300g of water, which makes a glass of red 7.8g of carbs - and I get about 4 glasses to the bottle...eeek!

Back to gin for me :) And maybe it means I can have cheese after all hehe.