Weekly weigh-in thread

woop well done lara and all you losers :D
Good losses this week peeps, and well done Lara, that's great to hear
Well done all you losers....now give me that fairy! I have a Union Jack dress that has to look great for The Wedding! I've gone all Bridezilla :D
Well, I was up 3lbs this morning & looked pregnant :( I'm not changing my stats though because I know what it was. Stupidly I had some LC pasta light night. The LC part was ok, but the wheat & gluten was bbaaaaad! Horribly reaction, all blown up & my IBS being evil. I've kept that at bay for a year now & it all came back in the night :( I'm still quite bloated, but at least I'm off the loo now, lol.

As Jim says, clean & green from now again. Steve said "I don't even like the bloody stuff!" So I only bought for me, oops!
Hi Sharon, I tried that dreamfields pasta once, I had the runs for days, far better waiting for maint and then having the real stuff love
oh hope you ok now Sharon, I think ill give that pasta a miss!
I have some of that dreamfields spaghetti in the cupboard. Not tried it, but I think I might introduce it to "the bin" at some point this week.
Morning Sharon, how's the tummy :)
Still sore Jim, thanks for asking. The extra weight has gone though :D I obviously can't do the wheat & gluten as well as carbs :p Steve was bad too. I think he has gone without them for so long, that's why he had a reaction. I've tried the 'free from' pasta, but the carbs in it still trigger my IBS :(

Steve's just read a good book, 'Trick and Treat' by Barry Groves ( I can't wait to start it) It's all about LCing & he says that wheat is evil to the human, but cheap to produce with a high profit!
Sounds like a good book Sharon

2nd WI today and Ive lost 2lb. 1/2 stone in 2 weeks. Not bad going.

Im very happy and feeling great

Woofy x