Silver Member
Did anyone ever notice....i wonder...that meals you find more palatable are more filling? For ppl with binge monsters like me - reduces the extent or want of the binges...I was pondering which soup to have tonight. I was thinking of something nice...and decided to have some of my own frozen cabbage soup - not had it yet btw, just been calculating macros and calories - (at under 200cals per portion) vs an exante at 200 or lighterlife at 150cals (although i find that a tad nicer somehow...but i dont want such a low calorie meal when im trying to stick to 600 keto this week and i cant be bothered with calculating other stuff to get me to 600...). That keeps me wondering... As it seems that (excluding restaurant meals which you can only estimate in the end...) when i do have things to eat i make for myself (if im not underestimating my calories/recipes through some weird cognitive bias which i am tryin to control) that i really like my own (nowadays standard) egg, bacon, spinach, babybell). It controls my binges for a longer time. Do not know i guess i need to keep testing for myself but i wonder if anyone has had a similar effect with this or other products (ie. On man plan ive become accustomed to dipping roast asparagus and bacon slices in a poached egg which comes towards 2- 300cals max or depending on quantities). I had some thoughts of food/cravings today. For oven baked bell peppers and aubergine. I found that funny. But the idea is...if you crave something "yummy" have a list of keto foods you really like. Quantities are an issue as they need controlling...(and i have problems with that!) but... If it will keep me away from binging on bread (or whatever anyone else's nemesis is!), bring on cabbage and bacon...:/ i think, i say...might be wrong. Don't know.
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