I too went and bought the Daily Mirror today, starting on Monday at the classes, but the recipes look lovely.
I'm 6 weeks in and 1.3 stone down so not the buddy you're looking for but anything you need and I can answer for you I'd be happy to help.
Slimming world is really easy to follow. Ok, all of us get the odd day where we just wanna eat chocolate and nothing is gonna stop us but those days have been few and far between for me as there's so much choice and no restrictions on portion sizes. Also its ok to snack on this diet!! In the past I've always missed something to eat in the evenings, now I can have that I can have a little treat every night using my syns. And don't feel guilty about itoh and the meals you can make are lovely and fit in with the whole family if you have kids they won't even know!! Can make loads of favourite meals just making them in a healthy way
Well I did the extra easy at first then the last 3 weeks or so been mixing in a couple of green days a week as I'm not a real meat eater, only eat chicken lol!! So I eat a lot of quorn we've swapped meat for quorn mince in sheperds pies and bolognaise, quorn sausages.. To be honest I eat loads really and I snack on fruit if I need to and its just coming off nice and gradual. It just works and is easy to fit into life I'd reccommend it to anyoneHello your weightloss to date is fabwhich plan having you been following? thanx
Thanks Pookie & Pierce,
Ooh Rochelle, thats amazing. Well done. Looking forward to starting tomorrow. I think for me, its vital that I plan. Yeh i was doing the same when i was on WW, miss a meal to have a bar of chocolate. The syns are a great idea so you don't feel that your missing out. Have a bit of a shopping list done already, god going to be an expensive first shop :-(.
Thanks again everyone.