Weight loss Diary & General musings...

The worst thing was he said it after a night out we had down my parents caravan in some dodgy club with a proper dodgy singer, there were only 4 other people there and although we had a laugh it wasn't a great night. And I don't want to be proposed to in a dodgy club in the isle of sheppey thank you very much! hahaha
Lol!! Romantic ay?!! What are they like sometimes honestly!
Oh I know, I missed an opportunity that night didn't I hahaha
I think you should keep missing those opportunities lovely!

When my husband proposed to me it wasnt in a romatic situation, he was lying on the sofa and I had just got back from a weekend away with the girls. It was his birthday the following week and I said "Im really struggling to find you something for your birthday, is there anything you want?". His reply was "For you to say that you will marry me". Awwwwwww how sweet! I did say yes and it was lovely for a few years ..............lol
I told him if he does it drunk I will say no!
He's not really the most romantic guy even with good intentions but it should be special.

Long way away though yet!
my proposal was so brilliantly perfect it's a little embarrassing. i am a very lucky girl.
aww, my hubbie had a good try but ended up slightly ruining it by overthinking after something went wrong.

we were away for the weekend for our 'got together' anniversary and he'd planned to propose whilst we were walking back from dinner in a nice location. sadly it didn't occur to him to book a table at the intended restaurant (on a sat night in a busy town centre) so we ended up eating somewhere else that wasn't very good and going back to the hotel room early.

now of course we went back for champagne so he could quite easily have proposed anytime then but instead apparently got in a panic because the ring was now on the other side of the room! so he left it and left it and left it whilst we finished the bottle, had some chocolates and more wine and it had got late and time for sleep. THEN he proposed, whilst i was there getting slightly upset, wondering why he hadn't because i had been so hopeful that he would (we had been together 6 years and i knew that he did want to get married at some point).

oh well, he is a lovely husband so worked out ok!
Oh bless him he tried :)
Just come back from DFS & Bed shopping, phewwwwww, need a shake now lol.
Having a toffee & walnut shake then gunna have a lil got on wii fit and maybe try the biggest loser game that came on friday aswell :)
Then gunna chill out in a bath with some LUSH soups and bath bombs I treated myself to and craft the night away! Really looking forward to trying out that tea bag holder and a soup one if that goes well.

Oh and here's a piccy of me b/f took last night. Shirt and top are both way too big now, top was ok with a belt and tucked into my leggings but the skirt kept falling down my bum! B/f said I looked like I was going clubbing, was only going round my grandads lol.


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you need new clothes, mrs!
you need new clothes, mrs!

Getting some new ones next stone down, only 7lbs to go! :)
Ebaying some at the mo so hopefully have some money to buy new ones
Out with the old in with the new!! Hope your having a nice weekend? Xx
Look how tiny you're getting, I think I'll have to start calling you little Miss soon! I think you could make some alterations of your clothes if you wanted some quick and free new outfits xxx
Out with the old in with the new!! Hope your having a nice weekend? Xx

Yep been lovely thanks! Got a new sofa and just chilled out all day, ahhh bliss!

Hows your weekend been hunny? x
Look how tiny you're getting, I think I'll have to start calling you little Miss soon! I think you could make some alterations of your clothes if you wanted some quick and free new outfits xxx

Hehe awww :eek:)

I can't decide if I wanna alterate them or just sell them and buy new bits, i do love my denim skirts thou!

JUST finished my tea bag holder! Will pop some piccys up now, well please with it :)
Well I think I'll do a bit of both, things that I can shrink I will - which is really easy for someone with my domestic skills! I've also some ideas for felting jumpers and making soft toys out of them. Oh so many ideas and so little time. Xx