Hey guys I'm back!
Sorry I've been MIA, been really struggling and didn't feel much like posting

I have been coming on and updating my tracker and sig, running out of room on their now though eep.
Still been dieting on and off over the past few weeks, finally hit the 6 stone mark yay! Weighing in at 12st 1.75 now and hoping to see the 11's next week!
Tried on a pair of size 14 shorts from dorothy perkins and they fit!!! Not that tight either!
Plan this week is to get back into my wii fit routine to help shift the rest of the bulk!
Also going to TRY avoiding social situations that may lead me to eating, been through alot of those lately and I think that's what's making it so hard.
Got my CD form all filled out now just need to do a piccy and get to 11stone and then I can properly apply so I may even be qualified by xmas

I worked out I will only need 11 clients to be able to quit my job, any more than that and I'll be making more than I do now!
Also randomly got asked to teach some 11-19 year old girls jewellery making on friday which I'm abit nervous about but a lil excited too, thinking I could even offer private sessions at home when I have time.
Wedding dress shopping saturday day time and a friends bday sat night, no drinking just being driven there and back so will be on best behaviour!
Right think thats me all up to date now, will pop off to have a lil browse on what everyone else has been up to xx