Majorly Motivated Mofo
I have a gym membership but I am actually too self conscious to use It :/ I don't like the idea of people staring at me which is ridiculous as I know people don't actually care what I'm doing in the gym lol. Also as a 23 year old I am so unfit and it is embarrassing to see people twice my age who are alot fitter than me. Good luck with the weigh in!
You shouldn't be worried or ashamed of anything Henri. The key thing is that you're willing to do something to make a change and ultimately people will respect you for that. In the past if I have ever thought like that and worried about how I look I think about how I am in the gym when I work out and I can safely say I've never looked at anyone in there regardless of size and fitness level and thought a negative thought. I just have total respect for them for doing something about it.
Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and take that little leap of faith that it will end up fine. It's a shame you live all the way in Belfast because if you lived closed I'd invite you to come to the gym with me so I could help you feel a bit more at ease.
Just remember... everyone starts somewhere.