Weight Loss Exercising Ideas

Last year when I started cycling, I think I gained 1.5lbs the first week & then steadily lost about a pound a week til target. The key is to ignore the scales for the first couple of weeks, importantly measure yourself & even more important drink plenty of clear fluids.
Good luck

I know this is an old thread and post I'm replying to but it is a really interesting and hoping to get it going again - how have all you guys been going?

I joined the gym about 2 wks ago and at the moment I am going 5 times a week (Spin, Pilates, Power Plate, Body Pump, Ki-Max & Swimming) and I am putting weight on... so I am glad I saw Kim's post... I was feeling a bit disheartened.

There is a Tabata class at the gym I go to and I do fancy a go - maybe when I am a touch fitter and a Tough Mudder prep class - that looks very hard... maybe one day. Also Zuu looks very interesting too... a similar sort of think to Tabata, lots of dynamic movements based on the animal kingdom LOL. There seems to be so much about now that it seems difficult to actually get bored. I'm not one for Step, Aerobics or Zumba - lack of co-ordination I suppose.

I took my measurements last week so I am hoping that will keep me going ..... after all that is my aim to get smaller.
Subscribing for some ideas. Will read later when I'm not late for work and still in bed.....

At the moment I walk/ jog 70km a week on avg so just looking for something to change it up.